4 Zodiacs Who Need To Give Themselves More Credit This Week
You’re trying something for the first time, Sagittarius, or getting back in the saddle after many years away. The first attempts are going to be a struggle. Physical activity will leave you sore. Mental gymnastics will give you many a brain fart. The “muscle memory” you once had or thought would come naturally is no where in sight, but that doesn’t mean it’s unattainable. Take a deep breath and recognize that your best effort now is so far beyond not trying at all. Even putting yourself in a position to experience this kind of frustration takes enormous confidence and security in yourself. You need to adopt this mindset of positivity and incremental growth if you’re going to stick with it and go the distance.
You’re taking a multi-skilled task and diminishing it, Libra, but that needs to come to an end this week. You say “it’s just cooking dinner” like it’s not a big deal, but you had the wherewithal to plan out a meal, the fiscal responsibility to buy groceries instead of takeout, the manual dexterity required to prepare the dish, and the self-love to put a homemade meal on the table instead of defaulting to fast food. You are taking care of you in so many different and equally important ways. You are showing up for you. You are demonstrating that you believe you are worth time and effort. The energy you exert for your own needs will attract others who treat you the same. Don’t downplay any part of the process.
You’re not receiving the credit you hoped for, Virgo, and it’s messing with your head. You’re starting to have intrusive thoughts like “If I had done a better job, I would have gotten a promotion,” “If I had worked harder, I would have come in first,” “If I had given up more of my free time, I would be recognized for my work.” You need to ditch that train of thought faster than you can fluff that couch pillow that always looks flat. The perfectionist in you lives for external validation, but it’s time to reexamine the source of that motivation. What is it you’re really after? Mentorship? Approval? Are you simply striving to achieve a level closer to the people you admire? Give more weight to your own self-evaluation. You have better taste than you even know.
Capricorn, you don’t think the way you do things is good enough, but you still have the self-esteem to do them your way anyway. It’s time for you to realize that even if your style or approach to things isn’t mainstream, that doesn’t mean it’s less valuable. Your fashion sense or makeup style may not echo your average influencer, but that doesn’t make you any less admired. People notice your flare and charisma; you stand out in a crowd. Others long to look as comfortable in their own skin as you do. To move through the world the way you do, in your own little bubble, focused on your own needs and interests, miles away from any drama or fuss over what other people think. Don’t chalk that up to less than it’s worth.