4 Zodiacs Who Need To Give Themselves Permission To Leave In Their Next Life Chapter
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4 Zodiacs Who Need To Give Themselves Permission To Leave In Their Next Life Chapter

You don’t want to feel pressured to remain in a situation that is making you uncomfortable – or just plain miserable. Some zodiacs won’t hesitate to walk away, even from people they deeply care about, when they know it’s best for them. But other signs will struggle to cut ties. Here are the zodiacs who need to give themselves permission to leave in their next life chapter:


You need to give yourself permission to leave because you aren’t obligated to remain with someone who has been making you unhappy – or who simply doesn’t check all your boxes. It doesn’t matter how much you love and care about them because love is not enough. You need to be compatible with them. You need to be open and honest with them. If they aren’t giving you what you deserve, of if you feel like you need something different, then it’s okay to walk away. You aren’t heartless for choosing your happiness above all else. It might feel selfish, but it’s best for the other person too.


You need to give yourself permission to leave instead of sticking with people who you are growing to resent. You don’t owe them your time, your attention, or your heart. You can be thankful for all that they’ve done for you in the past without wanting them involved in your future journeys. Although it won’t be easy to step away from someone who has mattered so much to you, sometimes the tough decisions are the most important ones. Sometimes, the hardest path will become the most rewarding. Although guilt might be eating away at you, you need to do what you need to do. Don’t talk yourself out of it.


You need to give yourself permission to leave because staying isn’t actually a kindness, not when you wish you were anywhere else. The other person is going to pick up on your feelings eventually, and they don’t need your pity. They don’t need to feel like an inconvenience. They deserve to be surrounded by people who truly love and appreciate them, just like you do. Even though it might hurt them more in the moment to walk away, you would be doing the best thing for them in the long-run. You would be giving them the opportunity to find someone who fits them better. And you’ll be giving yourself that same chance.


You don’t have to remain on the same path tomorrow that you were on yesterday. You don’t have to keep the same people in your life, year after year, because you’re used to having them around. Just because you’re comfortable with them doesn’t mean you’re happy with them. Remember, you are allowed to leave if they aren’t helping you reach your own personal fulfillment. You are allowed to cut ties and embark on a journey to find people who treat you better. There’s nothing wrong with starting over, no matter your age. You might be scared to make such a big change, but it will pay off in the end. It will bring you closer to your happy ending.