Thought Catalog Agency

4 Zodiacs Who Need To Learn To Plan For The Future


Leo is always so caught up in the here and now. What’s the newest trend? Where is the newest restaurant? Who is the latest person to sit on top of the food chain? And so Leo heaps an enormous amount of pressure upon themselves to not lose the currency of relevance. They need to constantly reinvent themselves in order to stay ‘new’ and exciting, but what they fail to realize is that all trends have an expiration date. Classics stand the test of time. Quality increases it’s worth with age, not the other way around. Leo needs to turn their attention towards luxury brands. How they build their reputation over decades, not seasons. When Leo sets their eyes on this prize, on longevity and a clear identity they can root and anchor themselves to, they can finally stop the never-ending battle to keep up with the times. The times instead, will need to keep up with Leo.


Aries is all about the immediate. To them, life is a battlefield, or an emergency that requires a response. A reaction. Springing into gear and focusing on whatever is most critical. There’s no time to zoom out and look at the bigger picture. To play out the potential ramifications of the intended action over months or years or decades. There’s only that knee jerk, kick it into gear reflex. The best we can do without thinking. But it doesn’t leave time for fact gathering, or verification. Getting advice, or heeding warnings. There is noble intention in being the first responder, but Aries needs to work towards being the second or third responder. Compare the doctor in the ER room, or the surgeon who repairs a gunshot wound to the EMT. They all have different roles and different training. Sometimes being the first one to reach a problem doesn’t mean you’ll be the one to solve it.


Pisces struggles with planning for the future because, to some extent, it requires them to root themselves in the present. To pull their heads out of their daydream filled clouds and take stock. Evaluate where they really are in order to plan a route to where they want to go. Every journey starts somewhere. We pack a suitcase before a vacation. Fill the car with gas before a roadtrip. So too much Pisces check all of the boxes and tasks required to get their own future into motion. Dreams need preparation in order to become our realities. Pisces needs to grab a highlighter and some pens and start organizing their thoughts somewhere where they can be referenced regularly, not just in a passing reverie. The more they document these grandiose visions, the more they’ll be able to stick with them and watch them evolve into something concrete. 


Libra needs help planning for the future because they hate limiting their options in any way. The more decisions they make, the less forks they find available to themselves in the road. They don’t pick a path, because they are afraid to stick with it. Worried that they’ll be stranded somewhere they didn’t initially mean to go. What they fail to realize is that the world is too diverse to ever completely limit your options. Any single path will lead to new choices, new challenges, new possibilities to grow and learn and change. The point is to keep moving. To see how far we can go. The distance we can travel between who we are today, and who we are trying to become. It’s okay to want to look ahead, to know what we’re getting into. Not making a decision doesn’t leave you with all options, it means choosing nothing.