4 Zodiacs Who Need To Say ‘Yes’ More This Weekend (August 25 – 27)
This is for the people who’s default is “no.” The ones that turn down every invitation, who prefer to stay well and truly in their comfort zones. While it’s healthy to say no–and “no” is a full sentence–these zodiacs have gotten too comfortable always responding in the negative. If you’re one of these four zodiac signs, you should say “Yes” at least once this weekend. Save it for something fun, something special, something that you know deep down would be good for you. You’ve got this!
The odds are high that if you say “no” one more time, your friends are just going to stop asking you to hang out. While you may know that you love your friends and like hanging out with them, they don’t have that same certainty. They’ll think that you’re blowing them off and will “take the hint” that you don’t want to hang out anymore. Of course they’d think that when you almost never hang out. While it might give you a bit of anxiety to make your weekend social right now, you likely won’t regret it if you push back that anxiety and say “yes” anyway.
You’re pretty good at reading the room, so you’ll sometimes assume you won’t like an event purely based on vibes. Honey, you’re not all-knowing. There’s a very real chance that your assumptions are all wrong. This weekend, when you’re compelled to say “no” based on very little that’s actually concrete, say “yes” instead. You might just find out how wrong you were–and it’ll be one of those rare occasions when you’ll be happy to ignore your own vibe check.
You have your list of things you want to get done this weekend. When you’re this swamped with tasks, of course you’ll say “no” to invites. After all, you’re clearly busy. But are you really? Couldn’t some of this wait? You can clean some other time. You can run those errands later. Don’t just automatically say no to something just because you already had your weekend planned out. Your rigidity is your own personal enemy, at least when it comes to your social life. Time to be fluid, to say yes, to move things around to fit your schedule. There’s merit in being flexible.
Like Virgo, you already have plans this weekend. Sure, those plans might involve working on the project or hobby you’re always working on, or something simple like reading in your comfy chair, there’s something you haven’t considered. Those plans always exist. If you say no because you already planned your weekend alone, there will never be a time when it isn’t planned. While you can certainly say “no” every weekend for the rest of your life, you’ll wake up one day when you’re older and realize there’s no one left to say “no” to. Start saying yes.