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4 Zodiacs Who Need To Speak Up for Themselves In June


Libra, this June you have to speak up for your needs. You need to admit when you’re clueless, be honest about your own loneliness, and turn any negativity you’re experiencing into a question. Ask for help. Tell someone you need help making friends or finding a hobby. Go to an expert for the answers you’re looking for. Take your problems and turn them into tasks you need to accomplish. The ‘doing’ part will come in its time. Now is the time to be humble and ask for assistance. Don’t be so afraid you neglect all of the resources around you. And when you do receive wisdom and knowledge and reassurance, don’t forget to thank everyone who lent you a hand. Thank you notes go further than you’d ever imagine.


Leo, it’s time for you to raise your hand and tell everyone you want a shot at that opportunity. The raise, the promotion, the leadership position, the internship, and the group project. Whatever it is that you want, you can’t sit around silently expecting someone to hand it to you like you’re some teenager waiting to be “discovered” for modeling at the mall. You need to make your interest known, need to let people consider you for the job, and decide you’re ready to take on the responsibility. You will likely have to ask more than once. Come prepared with data or ideas, and show them you have put more thought into this than your potential financial gain. Prove your thoughts are that valuable.


Cancer, it’s time for you to finally be honest about something you can’t stand. Whether it’s your partner’s cooking, a gift you really want to return, or the family vacation destination you’re not willing to spend your hard-earned money on, you have to come clean. No one is going to take it as personally as you’re afraid they will. White lies come in handy from time to time, but you can’t fake entire preferences and personality traits for a lifetime just to avoid conflict. The people who truly love you will understand, and don’t want you to constantly feel suffocated. They’ll love you all the more for staying true to yourself.


Capricorn, you need to speak up for yourself this June to show yourself you are deserving of love. You think someone else is better suited to the object of your affection, has been in the picture longer, has more right to their attention, and is entitled to the relationship you only allow yourself to dream of. It’s time for you to say something, state your intentions, and declare your feelings. There is no unwritten rule that you have to wait for or allow someone else to mess up before you get your shot. Stop moping around like you’re Quasimodo. As long as whoever it is you’re after isn’t married, it’s all fair in love and war. If it would make for a good rom-com plot, it’s worth a try.