4 Zodiacs Who Need To Spend This Valentine’s Day Alone
You haven’t properly mourned a recent loss, Aries, and there is no point trying to artificially push past it by focusing on someone new before you’re ready. Just take a beat, take a breath, and sit with your reality instead of trying to outrun it in the hopes of reaching somewhere new. You are where you are, and you are feeling what you feel for a reason. I’m not saying it’s fate or destiny or some magic silver lining you’re obligated to show gratitude for, Aries, but we can’t heal from the things we don’t acknowledge are hurt. This is one area where you can’t fake it til you make it, so just let time and rest do their thing. Stop fighting the process.
You have been surrounded by people all year, Sagittarius, so you know that being single doesn’t mean being alone, but you’ve overdone it. Step away from the noise, from the crowd, from the speed dating and the friendly bartending and the intriguing strangers. Spend one day, this day, well and truly alone. Cut out all the noise, and finally allow your own inner monologue a chance to air its grievances. Sure, you need stimuli, but you haven’t given yourself time to process any of it. Once you do, you may be surprised at what your psyche makes of the experiences, what it tells you you actually need. All you have to do is put yourself in a place where you can listen.
You’ll always have multiple invitations to choose from when it comes to Valentine’s Day, Leo, but this year it’s best to send your regrets and sit this one out. You know deep down, you’re not emotionally invested in any of the people who are interested in you, and to accept their invitations would be to use them for attention. Can you sit with yourself long enough to consider how you would feel in their shoes? To wait for the thing you truly want, the real chemistry, the deeper connection, and stop settling for whatever comes ‘close enough’? Find the courage to feel that lack, and let it push you towards the things, people, and places where you will find it. You have to break the cycle to invoke real change.
You don’t have to make light of your own heartbreak this year, Libra. Your friends will always be there for you, and you know that. You have nothing to prove to anyone, and sitting out ‘Galentines’ doesn’t make you any less of a feminist. You know your own worth is not defined by being in a relationship, but that doesn’t mean what you lost wasn’t something of worth. You can take the time to cry privately, to mourn what you had and more importantly, what you thought it could be. Some things aren’t meant for us to get over in a day. Don’t rush your healing, or try to laugh it off. It meant something to you for a reason, and just because it’s gone doesn’t mean you can’t take it seriously.