4 Zodiacs Who Never Let Others Know When They're Heartbroken
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4 Zodiacs Who Never Let Others Know When They’re Heartbroken

Some zodiacs are going to share their heartbreak with the world. They will rant to their friends and post sad statuses on social media because talking about what happened makes them feel better about what happened. But other zodiacs aren’t going to let anyone see them suffer. They will shed tears behind closed doors and find a way to heal on their own. Here are the zodiacs who never let others know when they’re heartbroken:


Aries, you like to look like you have it all together. You’re comfortable expressing most emotions because you’re as blunt as they come — but sadness is the only exception. You never want to cry in front of others. You save your teardrops for when you’re all alone, hiding beneath the covers or locked in the bathroom. You never let others know that you’re heartbroken because you’re embarrassed. You’re embarrassed that you fell for the wrong person, that you genuinely believed they were the one. But there’s nothing shameful about opening up your heart, even when it backfires on you. You should be proud of how much you cared about them, not embarrassed.


Leo, you are a perfectionist, and you want the world to see you as someone who is capable and strong. You don’t want pity. You want admiration. That’s why you never let other people know when you’re heartbroken. You don’t want anyone to mistake your vulnerability as weakness, so you feel like it’s easiest to hide those complicated feelings away. After all, you know you’re capable of healing on your own. You don’t need anyone else. But just because you don’t need anyone doesn’t mean shutting them out is the right move. They might actually make the healing process easier. They might help you more than you think.


Scorpio, you feel like relationships should be private. You aren’t going to go around, bragging about how wonderful your partner is when you’re happy — and you aren’t going to go around, ranting about your heartbreak when you’re upset. You like to keep these things to yourself because sharing such personal information feels like you’re handing other people ammo to use against you in the future. But you need to remember, the right people aren’t going to use your pain against you. They are only going to try to help. They are going to be there for you, not rub it in your face and make you feel worse.


Capricorn, you want everyone to see you as a logical person. And emotions don’t make logical sense. When you’re heartbroken over someone who doesn’t deserve your tears, you try to suck it up and stop being so upset. You try not to show your pain, even when you’re all alone. But you can’t keep minimizing your own emotions. It doesn’t matter if they make sense. It doesn’t matter if you really are better off without this person. You’re still allowed to be upset. Your emotions are valid. Stop acting like they are ridiculous because you are allowed to feel how you feel.