4 Zodiacs Who Never Put Up With Bare Minimum Men
Allegra Messina

4 Zodiacs Who Never Put Up With Bare Minimum Men

Some zodiacs commonly settle for people beneath them. People who are never going to rise to their expectations. But other signs have no time for nonsense. Their tolerance level is low, so they aren’t going to give someone their time or their effort if it’s unreciprocated. Here are a few zodiacs who never put up with bare minimum men:


Sagittarius, you don’t have time for mind games. You’re too busy pursuing your big dreams to waste time on immature, inauthentic relationships. You need a partner who is honest with you from day one because you aren’t going to go through the trouble of rereading messages and analyzing what they might mean. You want direct answers, and if you aren’t given them, you’re going to head for the door. You’re one of the most blunt, straightforward signs in the zodiac and you expect your partner to behave in the same way. If someone isn’t willing to put in the work, you aren’t going to put in the effort.


Leo, you are never going to settle for breadcrumbs. Your ego won’t allow it. You need a partner who is borderline obsessed with you, someone who is going to do anything within their power to make you happy. You will never settle for a mediocre relationship because you understand your worth. You know better options are out there. Even though there are times when you feel like finding love is hopeless, you hang in there. You know it’s better to be on your own (and treat yourself wonderfully) than it is to be in a relationship where you’re begging for basic decency. You don’t need a love story that badly. You’re okay on your own until you find someone good enough to commit to.


Aquarius, there are more important things in this world than your relationship status. You understand that your value doesn’t come from your partner. It comes from within. That’s why you aren’t going to waste your time on anyone who seems indifferent about you. If they aren’t thrilled to spend time with you and build a life with you, then you don’t need them. You’re independent anyway. Most of the time, you prefer being on your own. Even the healthiest relationships require a lot of work, and you’re only willing to put in that work if someone is worth it. Otherwise, what’s the point?


Capricorn, you aren’t going to tolerate disrespect. You might not be the most confident person in the world, but you know that you deserve better than that. You know that there’s no point in sitting around and expecting someone to change. You are only going to be with someone if they treat you right from the start. If they prove that they have your best interest at heart and aren’t going to hurt you. You’ve been burned before, but you aren’t going to let it happen again. You aren’t going to let yourself enter a bare minimum relationship with a bare minimum partner. You would rather stay single than deal with that level of stress and uncertainty.