4 Zodiacs Who Are Attracted To Funny Men
Abi Greer

4 Zodiacs Who Only Date Funny Men

Some zodiacs are okay with being the funny one in the relationship. But other signs want laughter to be a daily part of their routine. They want to find someone who can make them crack a smile at any moment. Here are a few zodiacs who are highly attracted to humor (and value it above looks):


Taurus, you might come across as mature and intelligent – but you have a silly side too. You never take yourself too seriously and always embrace your inner child. That’s why you typically fall for funny people who make you laugh until your stomach aches. You can’t imagine being in a relationship where you aren’t able to laugh with each other. You belong with a partner who always knows the right words to say to make you smile – even when the timing is inappropriate. Although other qualities are important to you, like honesty and consistency, a good sense of humor is one of the biggest things you’re looking for in a partner. Otherwise, the relationship isn’t going to last.


Pisces, you’re looking for more than a lover. You’re looking for a best friend – which is why you sometimes end up falling for people you already consider your friends. After all, if you get along well and they make you laugh out loud, there’s not much more you need. While it would be a lie to say that looks don’t matter at all, you usually end up paying more attention to their sense of humor than their appearance. You want someone who you’re comfortable spending every single day alongside. Someone who can make you laugh harder than anyone else on the planet. You know relationships are about more than physical attraction. They’re about emotional attraction too. And you could never picture yourself with someone who takes themselves too seriously. You need a little fun in your life.


Capricorn, you are one of the most serious signs in the zodiac. You want to reach all your lofty goals, which is why you don’t always set aside enough time for having fun. Which is why you need someone who balances you out. Someone who helps you let your hair down and stop caring so much about the little things that aren’t going to matter tomorrow. You always end up falling for funny partners because they bring out a brand new side of you. They encourage you to relax and unwind. If you were with someone too similar, you would both be working all the time, but when you’re with an opposite, you remember to enjoy the moment you’re in.


Gemini, you are a jokester. You aren’t afraid to laugh at yourself – and you need a partner who feels the same way. You can’t be with someone who is too sensitive and unable to take a joke because you’re always teasing the people you love the most. There’s nothing more fun than bantering back and forth about some ridiculous topic, and if your partner can’t keep up, then you’re going to grow bored. You always fall for funny people because you don’t want to be the only one cracking jokes.