4 Zodiacs Who Prefer Brutally Honest Partners
Some zodiacs shy away from conflict. They won’t want to argue with their partner, so they will try to express their feelings in a gentle way — and they hope their partner will do the same. But other signs prefer a more upfront approach. They don’t need the truth to be sugarcoated because they would rather hear your real, unfiltered thoughts. Here are some signs who prefer when partners are brutally honest in relationships:
Taurus are going to be more miserable if you don’t tell them what’s wrong than if you come right tout and say it. After all, they are overthinkers. If they sense something is the matter, they aren’t going to be able to get you out of their head. They’re going to spend hours, if not days, replaying interactions with you, trying to figure out whether you’re upset with them or are upset in general. This sign can’t take thee stress and uncertainty of not knowing something, especially when it comes to their relationship. They feel much more comfortable with partners who tell it like it is, so they never have to wonder.
Virgos want to make the relationship as strong as possible. And in order to do that, they need to have hard discussions. That means their partner has to be willing to open up to them and share what’s really on their mind. A Virgo can’t fix a problem when they don’t know the problem even exists. It’s much easier to keep the relationship intact when all the information is on the table. You don’t have to worry about hurting this sign’s feelings by sharing what’s on your mind because it would hurt way more if they realized you can’t trust them with your truth. This sign wants to know what you’re thinking. They want to stay informed.
Aries aren’t the type to tiptoe around your feelings. They are going to blurt out whatever is on their mind, even if they end up regretting it later. And they need a partner who does the same. If their person never shares their feelings, then an Aries is going to assume everything is fine. They aren’t going to pick up on subtle cues that something is wrong because they’re focused on doing their own thing. After all, they would tell you if they were upset, so they expect you to do the same. They expect you to come to them with questions and complaints. They want a relationship that’s completely open, where there aren’t any secrets in sight.
Capricorns aren’t going to let their emotions get in their way of success, which means they would rather hear about your problems and concerns than pretend everything is fine. This sign doesn’t date unless they’re serious about creating a future together. And the only way you’ll stay together in the future is if you tell each other the truth, if you refuse to keep secrets, if you trust each other with every single thought. A Capricorn doesn’t need you to protect their feelings. They need you to share your feelings.