4 Zodiacs Who Prefer ‘Dawn Dating’ (Because Bars Are Overrated)
Dawn dating is when you choose to meet up with your partner (or go on a first date) before noon in order to grab some coffees or enjoy another early morning activity. Some zodiacs prefer to do this because they aren’t interested in the bar scene or are too busy to meet up later in the day. Here are some signs who prefer dawn dating, so if you want to go out with them, try suggesting an early morning meetup:
Pisces want to get to know you on a deeply personal level — and if you’re going out late at night to hang out at a loud, crowded bar or a movie theater, you won’t be able to talk about much. Grabbing brunch or coffee earlier in the day means the date will be quieter. It means you’ll have more time to chitchat and get to know each other to see whether you’re compatible. Pisces prefer dawn dating because it creates a more comfortable environment for them. It gives them the opportunity to hear what you have to say without outside distractions. And the better they know you, the better they can love you.
Virgos are busy bees. They don’t have a lot of free time to spend on dating, so they will want to squeeze meetups into their schedule in whatever way they can. Sometimes, the best time to meet with them is early in the morning, before they’re getting started for the day, before they have the chance to get sucked into work and exhaust themselves. At the end of the day, this sign just wants to head home and go to sleep, so it’s better to catch them in the morning. After all, there’s nothing this sign loves more than a good cup of coffee to get them energized. Since they’ll be drinking it anyway, they might as well have someone special join them for the occasion.
Libras are impatient signs. If they’re interested in getting to know you, they won’t want to wait a second longer than they have to to meet up with you. They’ll love early morning dates because it gives them access to you sooner. Plus, it gives them less time to overthink things. If the date is late at night, they’ll spend all day worrying about what to wear and what to say and whether it’s going to live up to their expectations. But having it in the morning means they won’t have time to panic. They’ll just jump into the waters and see what happens firsthand.
Leos are early birds. They want to get as much done as possible throughout the day, so they’re usually going to wake up early in the AM. Since they’re going to be awake anyway, they might as well do something fun to start their day with a smile. They might as well meet up with you early and see what happens. After all, if the date goes well, then they can spend the rest of the day with you too.