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4 Zodiacs Who Put Their Partners On A Pedestal

Some zodiacs are able to stay logical when it comes to love. They won’t allow their feelings to get in the way of making the right decisions. However, other zodiacs are going to get swept away with how much they like you. They aren’t going to be able to think clearly around you because their heart is getting in the way. Here are the signs who will put you on a pedestal when they like you:


Cancers usually don’t think highly of themselves, so they put everyone around them on a pedestal. Especially the people that they love. This sign is going to assume that you can do no wrong and whenever you’re upset, they will think that they are the problem. Their insecurities can cause them to feel like they’re the source of every problem in the relationship – which is completely untrue. They need to take a step back and realize that this person they love is only human. Otherwise, the relationship is going to grow to be unhealthy. After all, partners are meant to be equals. The relationship shouldn’t be one-sided. One person shouldn’t be taking all the blame. This is a team effort.


Taurus can struggle with self-confidence issues, so they might assume that they’re dating someone out of their league. But they need to have more confidence in themselves. They can’t assume that this other person is settling or they’re going to feel pressured to go above and beyond every single day while letting their partner do the bare minimum. Since this sign commonly puts their partners on pedestals, it can lead to an unbalanced, unfair relationship. It can lead to the Taurus doing all the work, which isn’t the way it should be. This sign needs to grow to understand their own worth, so that they don’t feel guilty or awkward asking for more.


Libras are able to see the best in everyone around them, so they commonly put their partner on a pedestal. They focus on all of the wonderful things that their person does without considering any of the bad. Of course, this isn’t the greatest way to behave in a relationship because serious issues will go unaddressed. This sign will sweep little problems under the rug because they feel like there’s no reason to bring up minor problems when their partner is pretty damn perfect overall – but healthy relationships require honesty and transparency. There’s nothing wrong with sharing your negative feelings and bringing up problems when they occur. It’s better to be open about them now than to let them snowball.


Pisces are always putting their partners on pedestals because they surround themselves with people that they admire and respect. This sign won’t waste time with negative influences, so if they’re dating someone, that person must be pretty darn special. However, this sign needs to be careful because if they think too highly of someone and hold them to impossible standards, they are bound to be disappointed eventually. They need to remember that their partner is human. Their partner can and will make mistakes. But as long as those mistakes are small and incidental, it’s not the end of the world.