4 Zodiacs Who Run Away From Their Problems
Sophia Sinclair

4 Zodiacs Who Run Away From Their Problems

Running away from your problems isn’t going to magically make them disappear. However, some zodiac signs will try it anyway. They will pretend everything is perfectly fine and go about their day like usual, completely ignoring whatever is going wrong with their life. Here are some zodiacs who run away from their problems instead of dealing with them head-on:


Aries aren’t going to waste time on people or places that no longer interest them, or that are actively bad for them. However, instead of stopping to think whether a relationship is worth salvaging, they will commonly run away without bothering to give an explanation. In their mind, it’s simpler (and more harmless) to cut out someone who is bad for them and search for someone better than it is to sit down and hash out problems that are going to pull you apart anyway. Although running away from their problems isn’t always the best solution, cutting out people who are a problem is their go-to move. After all, they aren’t going to waste time with anyone who brings them down.


Libras aren’t interested in confrontation, so they will pretend everything is perfectly fine, even when that’s not the case at all. Since they don’t want to bring up problems with the people they care about, they will act like everything is normal. They will ignore the problem until it snowballs bigger and bigger, until it’s impossible to ignore. Although Libras understand they are entitled to their feelings, they find it hard to open up about others hurting them because they don’t want to cause any pain or drama. They want peace and love all the time. Unfortunately, that’s not the way the world works. And pretending they’re fine is going to make it impossible for things to ever change, for them to ever receive what they truly deserve.


Sagittarius are interested in one thing — having fun. They want to make the most out of every single day, which is why they shy away from drama. They don’t want to get dragged into petty arguments or bring up a small complaint that will turn into a whole thing. However, they need to learn to recognize the difference between a small problem and a major problem. The latter shouldn’t be swept under the rug or ignored. This sign, like every sign, deserves to be treated well, so they shouldn’t let bad behavior slide in order to avoid dealing with tough conversations.


Aquarius are going to ignore their problems if it gets in the way of their work. In fact, work is the perfect distraction. This sign commonly takes their mind off of whatever is bothering them by throwing themselves into another project — sometimes, to a dangerous degree. Although there’s nothing wrong with using work or a hobby as an outlet for your emotions, you don’t want to pretend those emotions don’t exist. You don’t want to let problems snowball because ignoring them won’t make them disappear. You need to deal with them eventually, and no time is better than the present.