4 Zodiacs Who Should Prioritize Their Hearts Over Their Head This May

4 Zodiacs Who Should Prioritize Their Hearts Over Their Heads This May

Sometimes, love doesn’t make complete sense. Just because someone is right for you on paper doesn’t mean that they’re a good fit for you in real life–and vice versa–so don’t rely entirely on what your head is telling you. Don’t assume that your heart is always leading you in the wrong direction and doesn’t deserve your attention. You need to listen to your gut too. Especially if you’re one of the following zodiac signs:


Virgo, you should prioritize your heart over your head this month because you usually learn toward making the logical decision. You usually take the time to think through the pros and cons of every choice, no matter how small, because you don’t want to be left with any regrets. But you need to take your heart into consideration too. Some feelings are impossible to describe logically, but that doesn’t mean you should disregard them. That doesn’t mean they aren’t worth acknowledging. You can still make an informed decision while leading with your heart, while chasing after what you know would make you the most happy deep down.


Scorpio, you actively avoid what your heart is telling you most of the time because you don’t want to make an emotional decision. But ‘emotional’ decisions simply mean you’re listening to what you want deep down and are taking actions to reach those goals. This month, try to stop thinking of your feelings as inconveniences. It’s important to take the time to acknowledge how you’re feeling and why you’re feeling that way in order to reach true happiness. You owe it to yourself to listen to your heart. So please, let yourself feel those feelings you normally push away on instinct and see where they take you.


Aquarius, you’ve convinced yourself that you need to choose between your head and your heart — but that’s not true. You can listen to them both. You can weigh them equally. This month, don’t automatically ignore what your heart is telling you in order to do the ‘smart’ thing. After all, sometimes the smartest move is to listen to your heart. Sometimes, that will lead you to the most happiness in the end. Don’t assume that your head has all the answers and your heart is only trying to trick you. Pay attention to how you’re feeling, and then make the decision that makes the most sense when taking your head and your heart into consideration.   


Capricorn, this month you need to pay more attention to what your heart is telling you. Even though you are a rational sign, that doesn’t mean you need to ignore your emotions. They exist for a reason, so you shouldn’t disregard them. You shouldn’t pretend that you’re emotionless and act like you’re fine when that’s not your real truth. If you ignore what your heart is telling you, then you’re never going to understand yourself on a deep level. You owe it to yourself to take a look at how you’re feeling. You don’t have to listen to your heart over your head if it feels wrong in the end, but at least hear out what your heart has to say. At least give it a voice.