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4 Zodiacs Who Struggle With Leaving Long-Term Relationships (Even When It’s For The Best)

It’s never easy walking away from a serious relationship, especially when you assumed you were going to spend the rest of your life with this person. Of course, some zodiacs have a harder time with their goodbyes than others. Here are the zodiacs who struggle the most when leaving long-term relationships:


Taurus, you grow deeply attached to the people you allow into your social circle. Once you consider someone a friend, you cannot imagine living life without them — and that’s what makes leaving so tough for you. It doesn’t help that you are obsessed with routines. You feel much more comfortable when you’re following a schedule, so you don’t want to give up someone familiar to step into the unknown. You might stay in the wrong relationship for longer than you should because the thought of change is too terrifying, even when you know it’s the right choice.


Capricorn, you are extremely picky about your friends and partners. You will only let someone into your heart if they’ve proven that they are worth the time and the effort. So when you realize that the person you’ve been dating isn’t meant to be your forever, it’s hard to digest. First of all, you hate admitting that you’re wrong. You hate feeling like you missed red flags that were right in front of your face. But more than that, you don’t want to walk away from someone that you trust, someone that you believed you would be with for years and years. You’re the type of sign who prefers serious relationships to flings, so the thought of ending a relationship is devastating for you.


Leo, some people might think it’s easy for you to move on since you’re so confident and have so many options, but you are a nostalgic sign. Even if things aren’t going well right now, it’s hard to stop thinking about when things were better. It’s hard to accept that walking away from someone who once brought you so much joy could be a good thing. Plus, you love being in relationships where you get to be the center of attention, the center of someone’s universe. Dating is too fickle. You never know when you’re going to find someone who treats you halfway decent, let alone like royalty. Leaving a serious relationship means leaving all that affection behind, and you hate feeling lonely.  


Scorpio, you are incredibly stubborn. Even if it’s clear this person is not right for you, you won’t want to see the signs. You won’t want to admit that you’ve headed in the wrong direction and have given your heart to the wrong person. After all, you are careful with your heart. You only let your guard down when the time is right. Knowing that you tried so hard to protect your heart and still failed makes you feel horrible about yourself and the concept of relationships as a whole. You have a hard time walking away from long-term relationships because you don’t want to go back to your cynical ways. You don’t want to go back to thinking love is a lie.