Andras Stefuca

4 Zodiacs Who Want To Change The World


Virgo wants to change the world because of the sheer volume of room for improvement they see all around them.They think everyone needs to read more, urgently. To educate themselves and stay up to date with the news. They think people should be able to make a few staple dishes for themselves at home, or whip up something using whatever is in the fridge and the pantry. That people need to make more of an effort to be kind, tolerant, and welcoming. That people need to wear watches and learn to be on time. That they should tell the truth more often, even if itā€™s not what someone wants to hear. That we should be less afraid of failure, and more open to finding love. Less worried about what everyone thinks of us, and more worried about what we think of ourselves.


Aquarius wants to change the world by creating more opportunities for more people. Economic opportunities, career opportunities, political opportunities. Opportunities to serve our family, friends, and communities. Opportunities to find information related to the things we want and need. Opportunities to build confidence and courage to pursue those same things. Aquarius wants more equity, more equality. Less ignorance, less hate, less discrimination. They look at history, at how much worse things used to be, and how far weā€™ve come, how much farther we still have to go, as a reason to get up and try something new, something to be the change they want to see in the world. For whatever wonderful, crazy reason, Aquarius is the person who thinks they can get some of it done, and itā€™s that same confidence that gets them there.


Cancer wants to change the world because theyā€™ve changed themselves so drastically. Their ability to dig deep, self-reflect, and develop more mature ways of coping or moving through the world have improved their quality of life so much that they want to share those tools with the world. They want everyone to learn how to budget properly, how to talk about their feelings. How to forgive themselves, and how to give and receive love. Cancer is the opposite of a gate keeper; they want to share as many resources and as much knowledge with others as possible. They want everyone to benefit from their sharable experience, not hoard the rewards to themselves. Itā€™s that ability to transform and to serve others that they think can give the world so much more joy and hope than it currently thinks it has.


Aries wants to change the world by making it into the history books. They want their name to live on in posterity. To be a big name who brought big change to the flow and course of the world as we know it. They want to be a Caesar, a Napoleon, a leader and a visionary. Someone who accomplished something that had never been done before, perhaps never even imagined. Aries sees the world as a series of befores and afters, and strong individuals as the catalyst between the two. They see the impact that one person can have on millions of lives in the present, as well as those to come, and they have the cojones to want to be the one to do it. From the invention of toilet paper to the traffic light, they see how simple changes can completely alter the way we see and live in the world.