4 Zodiacs Who Will Be Reborn This Spring
There is a rupture about to take place in your life that will forever alter the way you measure time, Taurus. A clear break with a before and after that can never exist without this seam holding both parts together. Your old life will become inaccessible to you, may even seem like it belongs to a complete stranger you no longer identify with. The through lines will still be there, if you look hard enough, but only once the dust of the immediate aftermath is allowed to settle. Take the time to get your bearings. Great things lie ahead, embrace the unknown. It’s going to catch you and hold you and support you until you make it out on the other side.
Your rebirth is going to take place gradually, Capricorn. Like a sprouting seed that has to push its way to the surface, you’re not going to see the growth that’s occurring for some time, but it’s there, and once it’s out in daylight, you’ll be shocked at just how quickly you can transform. The first hours, days, and weeks after you choose to turn your life upside down are disorienting, upsetting, and terrifying. You’ll have second guesses and regrets, up until the moment you see just how necessary this overhaul was in the first place, and then there will be no going back. You just need to get over that initial hump. You can’t see what’s on the other side, but let me tell you it’s so worth it.
Your rebirth is all about second chances, Leo, about how you would do things differently if you were allowed to start over. But the truth is that you can, at any time, if you give yourself permission to. It’s never too late to tell people how you really feel, to be the best version of yourself, to stop holding back and start holding life close. The new you is a freer you, one that isn’t bound by fear or shame or dread. It’s a you who celebrates the beauty and possibilities of every new day, grateful for everything even the smallest new beginnings have to offer. It’s like starting a new book knowing there is a new cast of characters just waiting to meet you.
Rebirth means letting the old you die, Gemini. It means mourning all of your old expectations and values and perspectives, everything you need to leave behind in order to start over again. Sometimes it’s letting go of hopes or dreams, sometimes it’s giving up completely on something, or hitting rock bottom. Sometimes a heart has to stop before you can shock it back to life. Don’t be afraid of the process, and trust you will make it through on the other side. You will make it to that new life, with a new you, who has found new dreams, or new ways of reviving old ones. When the status quo isn’t enough, we have to let change transform us.