Wesley Davi

4 Zodiacs Who Will Communicate Well Once Mercury Enters Virgo

The messenger planet rules the sign of Virgo, known for its bookish practicality and cautious attention to specifics. Though the sign represented by the matronly virgin is often unfairly stereotyped as a goody two-shoes, without Virgos we probably wouldn’t get much done.

When Virgo enters its home territory of Mercury, it rejoices, giving the collective more clarity, insight, and understanding, not to mention the capacity to narrow our focus and nitpick. It also provides us with a stronger grasp on language and rhetoric, boosting our communication skills. For a short period of time each year, we all become the quintessential Virgo Mercury native: academic and resourceful, with an unyielding commitment to working within a system of rules.

Mercury will start fine-tuning the details on July 25 at 6:41 PM EST. What does this mean for the world at large?

Well, words are powerful weapons, and they are about to be treated as such.

Documents will be more carefully reviewed and fact-checked before seeing the light of day. Journalists who have previously been given more leniency will now be scrutinized more heavily. Writers will take greater care to weigh how their phrasing could be misinterpreted. Political speechwriters will show more restraint and diplomacy.

Under the influence of Neptune at 29° Pisces, causing misinformation and fake news to circulate at a rapid pace, it will become increasingly important to examine our news with a fine-toothed comb.

To complicate matters further, a dreaded season of Mercury retrograde will interfere with this transit in early August, extending the quick-thinking planet’s time in Virgo.

Mercury goes retrograde at 4° Virgo on August 4 at 12:56 PM EST, temporarily disorienting the collective with its typical round of shakeups to technological, verbal, and written communication.

It will move all the way back into Leo territory, so expect some loud and prideful voices to break through around this period. Consider it a dramatic intermission between two very well-written, expertly choreographed acts, the second of which begins on September 9.

While everyone is likely to feel the impact of such a long and significant Mercury transit, the following four rising signs are likely to thrive during this time, thinking in a more PR-friendly manner and making wise decisions for themselves and their communities at large.


If you work in a field that requires articulate, straightforward communication, you’ll be feeling the pressure more intensely than usual as Mercury transits your sixth house. You’ll likely be working on projects that demand more editorial oversight than usual. You usually prefer to go with the flow, impulsively saying whatever comes to mind, and the world might love you for it, but during this extended Mercury cycle, you’ll be more critical of the way you express yourself. Be especially cautious during Mercury retrograde. Enlist the help of a trusted colleague to proofread your work or analyze it for tone; your work will be analyzed under a microscope, and if something important is overlooked, you might be the one to take the fall for it.


Your self-expression will be at its strongest during this extended Mercury transit, as the planet of writing and communication moves through your first house. It’s a great time to take on roles that require public speaking, lecturing, or podcasting; if you get the opportunity to teach something to a wide audience, you’re not likely to stumble over your words or accidentally overshare due to nerves. You’ll be well-spoken enough to attract the attention of influential people in your industry, especially if it’s literature, academia, or digital media. Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there. During Mercury retrograde, be wary of coming off aloof or cold, as others will likely misunderstand your tone and mistakenly interpret your calm countenance as snobbishness or pretension.


If you need to communicate lots of ideas to a large audience of people with conflicting backgrounds and worldviews, you’ll be primed to do so when Mercury transits your eleventh house. Though your physical presentation can sometimes intimidate people, you’ll be capable of providing nuanced and neutral guidance through your written work. If someone at your company needs to send out a memo or release a statement to the press, you’re the best one for the job. You’ll be able to smooth things over and make it look easy to your colleagues who are running around panicking. During Mercury retrograde, though, you might want to avoid the group chat—or the Teams channel—drama. The risk of being misunderstood, or deliberately antagonized, is much higher. Accept that you can’t please everyone, but those who know your heart won’t judge you off one slightly off-color joke.


You’re in the hot seat for the next several weeks, with Mercury giving you a ruthless edge over the competition at work. Your career will benefit from your quietly confident and tactful oration, thanks to Mercury’s transit through your tenth house. Leaders in your field are paying attention, and they will likely choose you to take on any major projects that require consideration of small details. While Mercury is retrograde, be careful that your love of freedom doesn’t lead to you going scorched-earth and declaring all your controversial hot takes on Twitter. There is a balanced and Socratic way to assert your beliefs. You don’t need to treat the public sphere as your own personal podium.