4 Zodiacs Who Will Find Where They Belong In Their Next Life Chapter
Thought Catalog Agency

4 Zodiacs Who Will Find Where They Belong In Their Next Life Chapter

When you’re stuck somewhere you don’t belong, you are never going to feel comfortable. You will always be restless and wondering what else is out there. Since you don’t want to live the rest of your life with regrets, you need to take action. You need to follow your heart. Here are the zodiacs who will find where they belong in their next life chapter:


In the past, you have altered bits of your personality in order to fit in with others. You have tiptoed around their feelings and tried to be whatever they wanted in order to feel like you belonged. But your people-pleasing days are coming to an end. You are finally ridding yourself of humans who fail to appreciate the real, authentic you. In your next life chapter, you will finally find the place where you belong, where you feel comfortable slipping into the truest version of yourself, where you never have to hide or lie about what makes you you. You are going to find a group of people who appreciate you, and you are going to be happier than you have ever been.


In the past, you have felt pressure to live up to everyone else’s expectations. You have tried hard to follow the plans that they laid out for you. But lately, you have strayed away from their path to carve your own. You have decided that you aren’t going to give into peer pressure, even if it means upsetting some people who truly matter to you, because this is your life and you get to determine how to live it. Since you are chasing after your own dreams now, you are going to find where you belong in your next life chapter. You are going to reach a place of contentment. You are going to be so proud of yourself soon – although you should be proud already.


You have spent such a large chunk of your past in situations that made you uncomfortable. You have settled for less than you deserved, and you didn’t even realize that’s what you were doing. Luckily, that trend isn’t going to continue for long. In your next life chapter, you are going to find where you belong and you are going to feel an immense sense of relief. You are going to wonder why it took you so long to get to this place – but you can’t blame your past self for remaining in the wrong situation. The past is in the past. Focus on how proud you are of your current self for asking for more, for finding a place that fits you so much better and makes you feel so much lighter.


In the past, you have struggled to find a place where you belong – and it wasn’t for lack of trying. You have put in the effort. You have taken risks. You have tried your hardest to reach a place of peace and kept falling short. However, the third (or fifth, or tenth) time is a charm. You are going to get there soon. In your next life chapter, you will finally find where you belong. You will make a home for yourself that makes you feel safe, secure, and loved. You are so much closer than you think to this reality, so don’t give up on yourself.