Thought Catalog Agency

4 Zodiacs Who Will Only Give You One Chance To Impress Them

There are the people who let anything slide–the ones who make friends easily and live “forgive and forget” lifestyle. Then there are the people on this list. These four zodiac signs only give people one chance to impress them. And if you don’t? Sorry, you’ll just have to move on with your life without them. Are you one of these four fickle signs?


You need to find people really interesting just to let them into your life. Like, really interesting. A weird job, an amazing skill, charisma for days–they need to bring something special to the table. You hold yourself up to the same standards, too. You see this less as an auditioning process for the role of Friend, and instead a way to make sure you find your equal. This can all be blamed on your high walls. You’re always protecting your heart. You won’t let just anyone in, so they need to be impressive for you to do so.


You love adventure and excitement. If you meet someone who just wants you to be a coffee shop friend, you’re out. You get bored easily in nearly all aspects of life, and that includes your friendships and romantic relationships. As soon as you get bored with someone, you’ve moved on to the next. You won’t be an asshole about it, though. You’re still a friendly person who makes people feel warm and welcome–you just won’t be inviting the boring ones to your next big adventure or themed party. Unless you need the numbers, of course.


You give off “hard to get” vibes–and that’s because you actually are. People are drawn to you and want to be your friend, and that’s made you realize that you can be picky about who you let in. You figure that, since you have such high standards for yourself, why not have them for potential friends or partners, too? The ones who actually make it through all your filters are the ones with self-confidence, drive, and a sense of humor that meshes well with your own.


If someone tries to charm you or flirt with you, it’s only going to backfire. You’re not taken in by high charisma or flattering lines. The more they try to impress you, the less likely you’ll want to get to know them. Frankly, you don’t need a ton of friends, so why waste space on someone who needs to play with your emotions just to get you to like them? You’d rather have a small group of smart, loyal, and intellectually stimulating buds than having dozens of superficial “friends.”