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4 Zodiacs Who Will Uncover An Important Answer In May


What do I want?

You’re as indecisive as they come, Libra, and are easily overwhelmed by multiple options. Basic life milestones like choosing a major or finding an apartment are literal torture for you. Life seems so vast, so complicated, so difficult to navigate. You never feel like you have a clear heading to steer your ship towards. But this month, you are finally able to answer that looming question. Sometimes you can’t say what you want until you know it’s out there. A person, a place, a thing you discover and suddenly realize is meant for you. Whatever insecurity you’ve been feeling about your lack of passion in life will dissipate as you realize it had nothing to do with you as a person and everything to do with your surroundings. The puzzle pieces will finally come together and reveal your path forward.


How do I feel?

There are two separate issues here, Scorpio. Your inability to put your current emotions into words, and your prioritization of everyone else around you. If you could even begin to say how you feel, would it make a difference to you? Perhaps the reason you’re not getting to the bottom of what is bothering you is the fact that you know the second you figure it out, you will feel a need to bury it in the name of duty or propriety or whatever it is that propels you to swallow the tidal wave that is welling up in your chest. This month it’s time to flip the switch. You think you’re doing everyone a favor without being asked, but the truth is it’s just a disservice to everyone involved. The world deserves a you that is uncensored and authentic. Not a shell of a shadow self.


Where do I belong?

You like to try things on to see how they fit, Aquarius, in search of the job, the relationship, the hobbies that make you feel like a part of something bigger than yourself. But what you fail to realize is you are really letting other things try you on, to see if you fit. You audition. You put the onus on you, to live up to whatever demands and expectations come with the package. This month you shift your approach, to acknowledge and validate the fact that your life is already established. You have a personality and taste and experience. You are a painting that has room to be added to, not a slate to be wiped clean. The belonging you want to feel will come when you find the things and people and places that are suited to you, not the other way around.


Who am I?

You’re a sentimental one, Pisces, and when personal change and growth come swiftly and suddenly, it can be disorienting for you. It’s a shock to your system, to look back and reflect on your past, not realizing you are doing so from a completely different vantage point, one that renders everything that was once so familiar completely foreign to you. When your past starts looking like someone else’s life, you begin to question your own identity, but distance is relative. Compare your first steps to biking to school to driving to your first job to your first flight alone. The older you get, the further away you can travel in less time. The same is true emotionally. A few weeks or months can slingshot you into maturity and growth that may have taken you years to reach when you were younger. This month you’ll learn to see yourself as an evolution that is always in progress.