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4 Zodiacs Who Won’t Be The Same After The Solar Eclipse In Libra

Have you been feeling more tired, argumentative, or emotional this week? Are you feeling acute existential dread and a sense that everything is about to go very, very wrong? That’s the downside to eclipse season, which is unfolding this week and will not leave a single one of us unchanged when it’s over. However, certain signs will be in the hot seat during this Friday’s solar eclipse at 21° of Libra.


All major Aries placements are likely to be shaken up by this eclipse, but if you’re an Aries rising, you’re going to be hit directly in your seventh house of relationships, marriage, and close partnerships. Since eclipses tend to reveal uncomfortable truths, and Libra rules all things love and peace, if you’re unhappy with a romantic or business partner, you’ll be unable to avoid the inevitable confrontation this week. Hold your fiery Aries tongue for once and try to communicate your feelings as tactfully as possible. This is a time to fully “let go and let God,” allowing relationships that are no longer meant for you to be swept away. Those that remain are likely to survive for the long haul.


If you have any major placements in the sign of justice, you will find your world rocked by this eclipse, but if your ascendant is Libra, you will see a particular emphasis on your personal identity and appearance. You typically prefer to operate as part of a harmonious team, but you’re being called to step up and move into a place of power and leadership that you are not necessarily comfortable with. You may have to choose between a partner who is holding you back and an opportunity that is offering you more independence. Your convictions, on the other hand, are likely to be on shaky ground, as you face off between what you know is right and what you feel forced to do in order to conform. You are driven by a strong sense of integrity, and this isn’t the time to back down from a fight.


Your sensitive nature is being triggered by the square currently being made by the nodes to your natal Cancer placements. Anyone with Cancer in their big six is inevitably going to feel the push-pull energy here, but if you are a Cancer rising, this eclipse will light up your fourth house of home, family, and domestic affairs. If there is an uncomfortable dichotomy between who you wish to be as an individual and who your family is expecting you to be, you won’t be able to avoid this much longer. In fact, you can expect some disquieting truths to be revealed about your relatives, shaking your foundations. If there are conflicts, you are not likely to be the main focus, but instead caught in the crossfires. Stay neutral if possible and offer a shoulder to cry on. Your sense of intuition and understanding will provide your family with a comfort they are unable to express.


With Pluto going direct in your sign this week, Capricorn, you’re already feeling a strong sense of duty in the area of your chart it rules. If you’re a Capricorn rising, that’s your first house of identity and self. You’ve been transforming yourself from the inside out for the past fifteen-plus years, and the Libra eclipse is about to add another level of intensity to the mix. Your sign is making a tense square to Libra, triggering painful endings and beginnings to your career and completely overhauling your public reputation. Hang up the blazer and call in sick to work; instead, engage in some much-needed self-care and turn your phone off so you are not emotionally invested in the goings-on of your work life. It’s time for you to rest.