4 Birth Months Who Won’t Settle For Relationships Where They Feel Unappreciated
Thought Catalog Agency

4 Zodiacs Who Won’t Settle For A Relationship Where They Feel Unappreciated

You don’t want to remain in a relationship where you’re feeling unloved or unappreciated. You deserve a partner who makes you feel special, whether you’ve been dating for ten days or ten years. Anything less is far less than you deserve. Here are the zodiacs who won’t settle for relationships where they feel unappreciated because they know they someone out there will treat them with more respect:


Aries, you aren’t going to settle for a relationship where you feel unappreciated because you know your worth. You are as blunt as it gets, so you aren’t going to sit there in silence when someone is mistreating you. You are going to call them out on their bad behavior. And most people can’t handle this. Even if you give them the option of changing their ways or breaking up with you, most people would rather part ways than go through the effort of bettering themselves. Whether you’re the one initiating the split or not, you never last long in a relationship where you feel unappreciated because you aren’t going to tolerate it.


Gemini, you aren’t going to settle for a relationship where you feel unappreciated because you are perfectly happy on your own. Although you would love to find your soulmate and start building a life together, you aren’t going to pretend someone is perfect for you when that clearly isn’t the case. You would rather stay single than end up in a situation where you’re being ignored or mistreated by your partner. You would rather create your own happiness than sit there and allow someone else to make you miserable. After all, if you’re going to be putting effort into a relationship, you expect the other person to do the same. You expect to act as equals. You’re not settling for breadcrumbs.


Leo, you aren’t going to settle for a relationship where you feel unappreciated because you need frequent compliments and validation in order to feel valued in a relationship. You want a partner who is vocal about their feelings for you because actions are not enough. You are the type of person who will go above and beyond for your partner — and you want them to match your energy. You want them to shout their love from the rooftops. It’s only fair when you’re putting so much of your heart and soul into the relationship. You aren’t going to settle for something one-sided.


Scorpio, you have incredibly high standards. You aren’t going to settle for a relationship where you feel unappreciated because you have no problem with walking away from the wrong people. You aren’t the type who is going to forgive and forget twenty times when the other person clearly has no intention of changing. You would rather cut someone out of your life, even if they mean a lot to you, then sit there wondering whether they are ever going to start treating you better. If someone isn’t giving you what you deserve today, then you aren’t going to stick around tomorrow.