4 Zodiacs Who Won't Sit Around Waiting For You To Change

4 Zodiacs Who Won’t Sit Around Waiting For You To Change

Some zodiacs are going to give you the chance to make up for your mistakes. They believe you have the power to change and will wait patiently while you put in the work. But other signs aren’t going to give you the benefit of the doubt. They aren’t going to sit around waiting for you to treat them right. Here are some zodiacs who will leave instead of waiting (and hoping) that you’ll change:


Aries are an impatient sign. If you aren’t treating them right to the point where they’re fed up with you, then they are going to head for the door. They don’t have the patience to sit there and wait for you to learn your lesson. And they certainly aren’t going to teach you how to behave. They don’t want to be your parent or your babysitter. They want to be your partner. Your equal. And if you’re unable to rise to their standards, they are going to show you the door. If you change after you’re broken up, then maybe they’ll give you a second chance in the future, but they have short attention spans. Once you’re gone, they’re probably going to move on. You’re probably going to lose your chance.


Geminis like to move around, so they aren’t going to remain in a relationship that makes them feel uncertain. Even when they find someone perfect for them, they will have doubts about whether settling down is in their best interest, so they certainly aren’t going to give up the single life for someone who has proven they aren’t worth it. Someone who has shown they are comfortable causing heartache and pain. Geminis get scared away easily, so if you aren’t going to treat them right in the beginning, you won’t get a chance to change. At least, they won’t stick around and watch you do it.


Scorpios are vindictive. They hold grudges. Once you hurt them, they’re never going to forget it. They’re going to replay the betrayal in their mind over and over again until they can’t stand it any longer. It should go without saying, but this sign isn’t going to sit around and wait for you to change. You only get one chance with them — and that’s if you’re lucky. Blowing that chance means you aren’t going to get the chance to change, or even the chance to apologize. They won’t want to see you again. They won’t want to risk getting hurt a second time.


Sagittarius are hard workers. When they commit to someone, they are agreeing to put in the effort. They are agreeing to treat that person with love, kindness, and respect. If that person fails to do the same for them, then they are going to walk away. This sign doesn’t need a relationship to feel fulfilled, so they won’t overstay their welcome. They won’t keep their concerns quiet either. They have no problem speaking their mind and telling their partner that their behavior is unacceptable. You can’t hurt a Sagittarius and expect them to sit there and take it. They will leave without a second thought.