4 Zodiacs Who Would Be Happier Single Than In A Lukewarm Relationship
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4 Zodiacs Who Would Be Happier Single Than In A Lukewarm Relationship

Some zodiacs are happy to be in a relationship, no matter how much heat and passion it has. They would rather know they have someone to fall asleep next to at night than be single, even if the chemistry isn’t that strong. However, other signs aren’t going to stay in a relationship unless the passion is high. Here are the zodiacs who would be happier single than in a lukewarm relationship:


You don’t want just any partner. You are searching for your soulmate, and you aren’t going to settle for anything less. If you feel like your partner isn’t enthusiastic about the relationship, then you won’t want to stay with them for long. You need someone passionate. Someone who openly expresses excitement about going on dates with you and kissing you and getting to know you. If they seem bored by your presence, then you don’t see the point of staying together. You would be happier single than in a lukewarm relationship because you are searching for heat and passion. If they’re not absolutely wild about you, then you won’t be satisfied.


You aren’t going to date someone unless you have strong physical chemistry and emotional chemistry because being single isn’t that big of a deal to you. You would rather be alone than with someone who isn’t that into you. You’re only going to date someone if there are sparks, if they like you as much as you like them. There needs to be intense interest on both sides. Otherwise, you don’t see the point of wasting your time with them. If you’re not excited about seeing each other, and excited about creating a future together, then you might as well be single again.  


You would be happier single than in a lukewarm relationship because you aren’t going to settle for someone who acts like they’re settling for you. You don’t want to wonder whether they’re only with you because they feel sorry for you or because they’re too lazy to go back out in the dating world and find a better fit for them. You want to feel like you’re their dream date. You want to feel sparks flying between you, whether you have been together for a few weeks or a few years. You aren’t going to settle for someone who acts like they’re stuck with you, like you’re lucky they’re sticking around because they could do better. You want someone who wants you. Someone who realizes how lucky they are to be with you.  


You would be happier single than in a lukewarm relationship because you already have insecurity issues. You want a partner who makes you feel special. A partner who can’t stop gushing about how much they love you. You don’t want someone who is so indifferent about the relationship that you start wondering why they’re with you at all. You don’t want to stay up nights, wondering whether they have lost feelings for you. You don’t want to feel like they’re settling for you. If they make you feel even worse about yourself, then you’re better off being single again.