4 Zodiacs Who Would Rather Be Alone Than Plan Every Date
Thought Catalog Agency

4 Zodiacs Who Would Rather Be Alone Than Plan All The Dates

No one wants to be in charge of keeping the relationship afloat on their own. That’s supposed to be a two-person job. If your partner isn’t putting in nearly as much effort as you, something needs to change, whether that means sitting down and having a serious talk or initiating a breakup. Of course, some signs will put up with this uneven distribution for longer than others. Here are the zodiacs who would rather be alone than plan every date:


Small tasks add up over time. They can grow to be overwhelming. And a Taurus isn’t interested in a relationship that feels like constant work. Yes, they’re willing to put in effort — but they aren’t willing to carry the relationship. They aren’t willing to come up with every date idea and come up with every conversation topic. They are looking for a partner who is their real equal. A partner who will invest as much energy as they are. Otherwise, they are going to be wondering whether they’re the one who cares more, whether the relationship even has the potential to last longer than a few months. And those doubts will be hell for a Taurus.


Leos are happy to take initiative because they like being the boss. They like having responsibility. However, they don’t want to plan out every single date that you go on because they want to be wooed every once in a while. They want to know that you’re paying close enough attention to plan out an evening that will excite them. They want to feel like you’re contributing to the relationship as much as they are, and if you aren’t planning any dates or performing any sweet gestures, then how do they know you’re the right person for them? Although a Leo is happy to plan out most dates, they won’t be satisfied if you’re leaving every single decision up to them without giving any input at all. They need you to do your fair share.


Libras are willing to do a lot for their partners, but they won’t lower their standards to stay with someone. Since this sign is such a romantic, they expect to be taken out on frequent dates. And if they’re the one planning each date, it makes it far less romantic. They want to know that their person is willing to plan out a special evening for them without being asked, that their partner has been paying enough attention to them to know what would blow them away. If a Libra doesn’t feel like there’s any emotional intimacy in the relationship, like the affair is one-sided, that relationship will be over soon. 


Aquarius are far too busy to plan out every date. They won’t last in a relationship where they’re forced to do all the work because they simply have too much on their plate. Between work and all their other responsibilities, they will struggle to execute a bunch of cute date ideas. They need their partner’s help because they won’t have the time or the leftover energy to pull that off alone. If they aren’t able to work as a team, then the relationship isn’t going to work at all.