4 Zodiacs Who’s Hard Work Will Be Rewarded In May
People doubted you, Aries. Doubted your ability to get this project started, and then your desire to stick with it and reach your goal. It’s been hurtful, to say the least, dealing with all of the judgment and negativity, but the truth is people are envious of your current circumstances. They wish they had something to be as excited and proud of as you do. Your perseverance is so admirable, your commitment, your dedication despite all of the roadblocks and the hiccups and the naysayers. You have proven more to yourself in such a short window of time than you ever have, and you’ve learned that at the end of the day, you’re the only person you ever have to prove anything to. You’re the only person you owe your best to, the only one who has to look at yourself in the mirror and know if you gave something your all. The answer this month is a resounding, “Yes!“
You reach the tail end of a project that involved several interdependent steps this month, Cancer. Something like planning a wedding, a move, or a career change. Something that had to be plotted out, budgeted, and executed over a long period of time. You had to compare and contrast options before deciding how you would tackle this thing head-on, and here you are checking the final items off of the list and seeing things through to the very end. In the beginning, you felt overwhelmed by the complexity of it all, it felt like too much for you to handle on your own, but by breaking something massive into smaller pieces, you’ve proven to yourself just how organized and dependable you can be. Something inside you is even a little sad this chapter is coming to a close because you’ve grown to enjoy the sense of a drawn-out accomplishment, but it’s time to enjoy the fruits of your labor. You truly turned a vision into your reality. The life you imagined for yourself is now something you can call your own.
You did the thing you thought you’d never be able to do, Scorpio. Something you had written off for yourself as impossible. Something too terrifying, too painful, too hard to accomplish. And now, here you are, on the other side of it, shocked and in utter disbelief that it’s done. It still hasn’t sunk in, and you need time to feel that confidence, feel that accomplishment in your body, to know it as something that belongs to you, something that you’ve earned. Think of the last time you did something extremely physically demanding. How your body felt in the aftermath. The adrenaline rush, the limbs that felt like limp spaghetti, the exhaustion. A time when you couldn’t believe the same body that could now barely move had just made it through something so difficult. This month you’re in a similar comedown from something mentally and emotionally exhausting. It’s okay if you need a long recovery. If it feels like a marathon. It was. Give yourself a moment to bounce back from it all and the pride will finally sink in.
This month you are the star of your own cinematic underdog story. You’ve saved the unsalvageable, brought the sinking ship to shore, and fought the fight everyone said you were determined to lose. You nurtured the one glimmer of hope you saw where everyone else saw certain failure into something healthy and stable and prosperous. You never saw this as a suicide mission or an exercise in martyrdom, failing just to fail. You’re too optimistic for that kind of a life path. You’re willing to take risks, to push yourself to your limits and then past them, to discover who you are and what you’re capable of through trial and error. You’re willing to learn and take feedback and pivot. To live life at the moment, testing hypotheses and not being afraid to be wrong, to make changes along the way. That’s how you get to where you’re going this month. To discovery and celebration and achievement. You’ve done the work, completed each step, and now you get to wear your laurels proudly.