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4 Zodiacs Whose “April Showers” Will Bring “May Flowers”


The emotions you’re going through today, Gemini, will bring you clarity and confidence next month. Shed the tears now, embrace the disappointment, and let some of that anger out. Bottling any of it up will only delay the process. April is your time to react, and May is your time to respond. Negative feelings can propel you toward positive growth and change. Can inspire you to seek out the things and people that bring you joy, security, and contentment. Your journey is full of highs and lows, and remembering that each helps you appreciate the other will help you maintain a healthy equilibrium as you move through the different chapters of your life. While you don’t subscribe to the “everything happens for a reason” mantra, you do create purpose from the hands you are dealt in life. 


Your levelheadedness and realism will reward you this Spring, Cancer. You ask of life, and each of its seasons, things they are capable of giving to you. You set expectations that don’t set you up for disappointment. Whatever “showers” you encounter this month, are a little bother to someone who already checked the forecast and packed accordingly. You do the work that makes the most sense for your current conditions now so that you are set up for success when they inevitably change. You never get hung up by any roadblock or hiccup, because you know that they’re a natural part of life, allowing you to maintain a positive outlook throughout all of life’s ups and downs. Take pride in this ability, as it’s something that requires effort and experience.


You’re gearing up for the best summer of your life, Leo. The rainy days that keep you inside now are well-spent planning big-ticket events for when the weather turns. You’re booking the trips, boats, and rooftops that will fill your feed in the weeks to come, and you can barely contain your excitement. You are visualizing all the fun to be had with the people who matter most, sending out the invites, and budgeting the costs now, so that all that’s left to do is show up and enjoy yourselves. If things seem too quiet for your liking now, just know that’s about to change. Liveliness is just around the corner.


Your lesson this Spring is that balance comes in different cycles, Libra. While your preference is to fit all of your wants and needs into a single day, there are times when your focus will need to narrow for weeks or months at a time. The blood, sweat, and tears you put into April will produce outcomes worth celebrating in May. Putting your nose to the grindstone, for a limited amount of time, can fund the vacation you’ve been dreaming of. You can still see life through that effort to payout lens, even if the timeline is shifted. The key is to remember that temporary strains are not equivalent to a new normal of continual suffering.