Leeloo The First

4 Zodiacs Whose Gentle Auras Are Magnets For Animals & Children

 Have you ever been around someone and noticed that kids and animals seem to flock to them?

Dogs run up to them at the park looking for a scratch behind the ears, or children feel comfortable opening up in their presence. Some people naturally have a nurturing aura that makes vulnerable creatures feel safe, and certain zodiacs are more likely to possess this magical quality. Here are the four-star signs whose gentle auras are a magnet for animals and children – are you one of them?


Tauruses connect with kids and animals because their auras are so stable and nurturing. Every zodiac belongs to a natural element: earth, fire, water, or air. Taurus is an earth sign, and earth signs are known for being reliable and grounded. They radiate calm, down-to-earth vibes that are very attractive to anyone looking for peace and reassurance. Just as every zodiac has a natural element, each sign also has a ruling celestial body. Taurus is guided by Venus, the planet of love. Combined with their earth energy, Taurus’ Venusian, loving nature makes them excellent caretakers. They support and encourage their dear ones in every way. Children and animals are wise to run toward Taurus’, because they are so gentle, responsible, doting, and kind.


Cancers have some of the most magnetic auras to animals and children because they are natural caretakers and their auras radiate gentle love. This zodiac is ruled by the Moon, the celestial body of divine feminine energy, emotions, and intuition. Furthermore, Cancer is a water sign, and water signs are sensitive and emotional. This combination makes for the ultimate nurturing energy. Cancers are so intuitive that they can sense other people’s needs, and they take care of them without the other person having to say a word. They are also very careful with other people’s feelings and never want to hurt them. As “the mother of the zodiac,” Cancers are quite protective, and they handle people’s practical needs as well as their emotional ones. Animals and kids love Cancer energy because this star sign’s aura feels safe, protective, and deeply caring. 


Leo’s aura isn’t exactly gentle – this is the zodiac represented by the ferocious lion, after all. But that fierce lion energy is exactly what draws children and animals to this star sign. Lions are natural leaders and extremely protective of their packs. Similarly, Leos create family units wherever they go, and they are very defensive of their loved ones. Whether you’re a Leo’s coworker, close friend, or usual barista, they will always have your back. Leo is guided by the Sun, which is the celestial body of optimism and relationships. Kids and creatures can’t help but be drawn to this zodiac’s sunny, pleasant disposition, and Leos connect with others (especially children) easily. Leo also rules the zodiac’s fifth house, which is the house of play, joy, and childlike spirit. Children adore Leos because they are just like big, playful kids themselves. Vulnerable creatures love Leo’s aura because this zodiac is so positive, fun-loving, protective, and warm.


Children and animals chase Pisceans because this zodiac radiates a uniquely spiritual and imaginative energy. As the last of all twelve zodiacs, Pisces is the “oldest” or most spiritually mature star sign. Pisces is also ruled by Neptune, the planet of dreams and spirituality, and Jupiter, the planet of luck and wisdom. This combination makes Pisceans old souls with an almost other-worldly presence. Kids and animals pick up on their ancient wisdom and feel safe and protected around them. Pisceans are also super creative, and they encourage children to explore their imaginations and play. Every zodiac has a modality, or a way of navigating the world. Pisces is a mutable sign, meaning they are flexible, adaptive, and open-minded. Pisceans will let others, even animals, take the lead – they are all about nurturing young minds and letting them develop, instead of trying to control them. And, as a water sign, they are sensitive and intuitive, always keeping other people’s (and animals’) feelings in mind and treating them with compassion. It makes sense that animals and kids are attracted to the Pisces aura because this star sign glows with empathy, wisdom, spirituality, and creativity.