Anastasia Nagibina

4 Zodiacs Whose Love Lives Are Changing Dramatically As Venus Enters Leo

For the past month, Venus has been holding court in the maternal Cancer, where it does exceptionally well at nurturing and protecting the domestic sphere but often struggles to break free of the constraints of tradition and the allure of security.

During this time, a few positive things took place: relationships felt cozier, we collectively spent more time at home, and women—especially mothers—were highlighted. It was a time to appreciate the dutiful, plodding work done behind the scenes.

This all changes on July 11 at 12:19 PM EST, when Venus hits 0° of Leo and ushers in a summer of loud, bold, and charismatic change: to our romantic relationships, to our beauty trend cycle, and to our self-confidence.

Whenever the planet of love makes a tryst through this emphatically dramatic and proud sign, you can pretty much guarantee that culture will have a bit of a superficial moment, luxuriating in the spotlight and soaking up all the attention possible after so much time hiding in the background.

Not only does Leo rule the domain of the famous-for-being-famous, it is also present in the charts of many influential actors, fashion designers, hairstylists, makeup artists, and influencers. Everything that happens in culture eventually makes it way to the masses, so your friend group will be taking cues from what is happening in the zeitgeist.

And what exactly is that? You can count on showy celebrity engagements; cheating scandals; shotgun weddings; hard launches; impulsive hair bleaching; and, predictability, new styles that remain in vogue for the blink of an eye. By the time Venus leaves Leo on August 4, you might be shocked you ever coveted the TikTok trend of the moment—because it’s already fallen into the metaphorical “to donate” pile.

Everything sounds pretty light and fun, but what’s the catch? The moment Venus ingresses into Leo, it will oppose Pluto, the planet of destruction and transformation, in Aquarius, which is currently retrograde. At this critical moment, some dominant aspect of our culture—be it celebrity worship, consumerism, vanity, or hedonism—will be exposed.

As Pluto continues its retrograde movement through the fall, we will see how well this part of our society fares: whether it’s meant to be dismantled and rebuilt, or discarded entirely. It’s more than likely that this opposition reflects the growing disillusionment with out-of-touch elites.

Despite this troubling opposition, there are still positive changes ahead for some of the signs. The following four can anticipate some major foundational shifts in their love lives.


You’re the sign most likely to do it for the plot, so if you feel like having a hot girl summer, the stars are aligned in your favor. With Venus transiting your fifth house, you will attract more potential love interests than you know what to do with, even possibly getting embroiled in a movie-worthy love triangle. You’re good at the chase, so keep things casual and ensure you always leave them wanting more. On the other hand, with Pluto in your eleventh house opposing Venus, you are at risk of attracting obsessive lovers. Block anyone who seems a little sus.


This is the time to courageously step into your power. Venus transits to your first house always make you appear more glamorous, beautiful, and alluring, and you will feel like the main character of your life during this brief transit in which everything seems to go suspiciously well for you. If you’re tired of pointless Hinge dates and are seeking some long-term commitment, there is a clear invitation from the universe to enter into a serious relationship—though with Pluto in your seventh house opposing Venus, you could end up soul-bonded with another karmic life lesson instead.


Those of you who recently entered a new relationship, got engaged, or tied the knot are going to love the benefits of Venus taking a whirlwind trip through your eighth house. You might be a boss yourself, but chances are you’ve partnered with someone who is equally affluent. Let your partner take you on that expensive European vacation. However, everything in the world requires balance, and sometimes karma settles the score. Pluto in your second house opposite Venus is here to remind that if you’re lying about your own net worth, using someone for their money, or not showing sufficient gratitude, you might end up facing the consequences.


The planet of romance in your seventh house? It couldn’t be more obvious: you’re going to see some big changes to your relationship sector this summer. If you’re stuck in a situationship or tired of summer flings that leave you feeling like a total August girl, you’ll be pleased to know that whoever you meet over the next month has some serious potential. However, with Pluto in your first house making an opposition to Venus, this isn’t a light-hearted, casual kind of thing for any of you. Whoever you bring into the most intimate spaces of your life is going to permanently change your identity. You will not be the same after this summer.