Engin Akyurt

4 Zodiacs Whose Love Will Be Tested And Prevail In November


Scorpio’s relationship is tested by making it necessary for them to trust completely in their partner, manifesting in a number of different trials. They may find it necessary to confide their deepest and darkest secrets. To ask their partner for a large and consequential favor. To place their health, emotional or financial well-being into their hands. Scorpio’s test is to love in a way that is more vulnerable than they have ever loved before. To cross that line and take a risk by giving someone the power to hurt them, and trust that they will not. It will be a lifelong learning experience that challenges Scorpio not to underestimate the ways and degree to which their support system will do just that, support them.


Aries’ love is tested with a fundamental disagreement. A belief system that is starkly different from that of their partner, and trying to navigate territory that seems incompatible with compromise. Wanting to live in completely opposite kinds of places. How they thing money should be spent or saved. The type of lifestyle they want to lead. How to set boundaries, and with whom. They will have to answer the age old question, is love enough to overcome our vast differences? Is our desire to be together greater than our desire for different things? These are questions that can only be answered through honest conversation and sincere soul-searching, but Aries has never shied away from a challenge.


Gemini’s love will be tested the same way it always is, through their demanding schedule. When work and drama and obligations all catch up with them, it will be time to see if their relationship has strong enough roots to survive the avalanche of emotions, stress, and anxiety. Can it hold on for dear life while everything around Gemini devolves into chaos? The real question Gemini needs to ask themselves is why they ask these questions in the first place. Why they set things up to potential fail. Why they put their loved one through a stress test just to see how much they can take. Why pushing someone away is sometimes their way of trying to pull them in closer. Some self-reflection is needed here, but the answers will come.


Taurus’ relationship is tested via communication this month. Their ability to slow down and distill exactly what they are feeling into words. To ask for what they way, and be honest about what is bothering them. To advocate for their own needs, and set boundaries instead of issuing ultimatums. To acknowledge what is in their control, and recognize what is not their responsibility. Arming themselves with more mature means of communicating with their partner will allow them to tackle hot topics and address unresolved issues that have been piling up as a result of heated conversations and things they wish they’d never said. Luckily, they will get another chance to set things right, and Taurus will not make the mistake of wasting it.