4 Zodiacs Whose Soul-Searching Will Yield Surprising Results
You’re diving deep into the parts of your psyche that scare you the most, Scorpio, and you deserve a purple heart for your efforts. You will find rebirth in embracing your emotional deaths, and finally find the security you’ve longed for in your sense of self. You won’t feel ‘lost’ anymore, and will find acceptance in a new narrative for your past. You can’t rewrite your own history, but you can reframe it, seeing yourself in a gentler and more understanding light. You will become for yourself the person you wish had come to your rescue ten years ago, and will find healing in that self-love and care. There are brighter days ahead for you, Scorpio, but making peace with your past will allow you to enjoy them to the fullest.
You’ve felt unfulfilled for quite some time, Gemini, not quite sure what it is that’s ‘missing’ from your life. You’ve looked to others, tried to compare your way of moving through the world to theirs, trying to figure out what it is you’ve missed or overlooked. The hard-learned truth you will come to know is that we can’t find the blueprint for happiness in anyone else’s life. We have to carve out that path for ourselves, through our own striving, discovery, mistakes, and growth. Happiness comes from overcoming, from persevering, from making it through shitty times and still finding ourselves standing when the dust settles. You just have to stay true to yourself and trust that that will be enough to guide you.
Sometimes soul-searching is about cleaning out our mental closet. Figuring out where our negative thoughts come from, whose voices they are imitating, what parts are just our anxiety talking, and what is an extreme exaggeration with a sliver of truth within it. We can always push ourselves out of our comfort zones, always apply ourselves after negative feedback, but if we give into the unhealthy patterns that follow when we take any criticism as pure fact, we’ll never get out of the whirlpool. Ask yourself whose opinions you really value and trust. Who you know to be honest and fair. Who you would like to emulate. Don’t take stock in the words of bullies or malcontents. They will only drag you down.
You love to be positive, you love to be okay. To not need help, to have it all under control. But maybe, if you acknowledged some of these negative emotions, you could peel back the layers to see what’s lying there underneath. What you’re chalking up to surface level annoyances may have something deeper to it. But unless you’re willing to put in the work, you won’t have the understanding necessary to deal with the real issue. The things we don’t say, the things we repress, are the real problems in our lives that are capable of being addressed. If you are willing to confront these feelings, you can have mastery over your true self. You can look in the mirror without any doubts or confusion about who exactly is looking back at you.