4 Zodiacs With A Life Defining Moment Around The Corner
We never get a calendar invite for these kinds of moments, Virgo, we aren’t given advanced warning or time to prepare, but there is something waiting for you around the corner. You’ll read this now, and still be completely shocked when it finally arrives, and in the shock and stress and confusion, you’ll make a decision that will impact the rest of your life, one that you will stand by and take pride in, one that ultimately defines who you are. There’s no magic recipe or equation for how you will arrive at this conclusion, you’ll simply look inside and listen to your heart and your gut. When we’re forced to, it becomes a lot easier to go to that inner place and proclaim what matters to us, because it’s what’s at stake.
You have a life defining failure around the corner, Pisces. Something that has the power to make or break you. Something you could choose to dwell on and despair over, or something you could harness and convert into a motivation toward positive change. You can’t have the Rocky-esque high highs without his low lows. And it’s up to you whether this moment becomes the thing you regret most or are proudest of on your deathbed. You control the perspective. You can focus that lens and decide how to respond to the things you don’t have control over. That’s our curse, and our blessing. Luckily your artistic proclivities mean you already know how to do this. You can put your Pisces spin on a disaster and turn it into something award winning.
Sometimes in life, we get the opportunity to name something we’ve been feeling for a long time, but were never able to articulate. Life ‘defining’ for you is really about the dictionary and thesaurus angle of it all. If you could call that pit in your stomach ‘anxiety’, what would that allow you to do? Would you seek support or put less pressure on yourself? If you declared that the butterflies you’re feeling are ‘love’ instead of ‘lust’ or just a ‘crush’, would you be willing to take the ultimate risk to hold it close? Words hold not just meaning, but power, and using them to write our own narrative is a massive part of our very human experience. Wield your pen wisely, Taurus, it can change everything
Life defining moments can feel terribly small, Libra. They can blend into the background, and even be forgotten entirely. Sometimes it’s an internal monologue on the drive home from work, a decision to choose ourselves in the midst of a crisis. Sometimes it’s a text we send that reconnects us with someone we care about deeply. No matter the moment, it sends ripples of change out into every corner of our wider lives, and no matter how hard we try to trace them back to their origin, its exact location and chronology evades us. Something innocuous in the next week or so will be this catalyst for you. Just trust that the universe will take your actions and transform them into the life you’ve always wanted.