5 Concrete Signs Your ‘Almost’ Is Playing Too Many Mind Games
You don’t want to settle for a partner who sends mixed signals and plays mind games, who is constantly making you wonder whether they even care about you. You deserve someone consistent. Someone who is transparent about their feelings and doesn’t make you jump through hopes in order to gain their attention. Here are some signs they’re playing too many mind games with you and you deserve better:
They’re hot and cold with you.
Some days, they text you back in seconds and beg you to clear your schedule so you can come hang out with them. And other days, they ignore every message you send and claim that they don’t have any free time for you. You can never figure out where you stand with them because their opinion of you seems to swing wildly from day to day. They’ll have you convinced that a relationship is on the horizon, then turn around and make you feel like you’re invisible and mean nothing to them.
They’re always speaking in vague terms.
They might speak about how they’re not ready for a relationship right now, but they won’t explain why or give you any sort of indication when they will be ready for a relationship. Or they will talk about how badly they want to see you and promise to hang out soon without setting an actual date. They’re not actually breaking any promises that they make to you, but that’s only because they’re intentionally not being specific with those promises so you can’t be too mad at them.
You keep catching them flirting with other people.
You know you’re not the only person that they have their eye on. Whether you’ve seen them flirt IRL or over social media, you know that they have been giving others the same type of compliments and attention that they give you. Of course, since you’re not officially dating, they act like you can’t get jealous of their behavior. Like they aren’t doing anything wrong.
They refuse to put a label on the relationship but keep acting like you’re a couple.
The ‘rules’ they have are complex and simply make no sense. They might make out with you, cuddle, hold your hand, and introduce you to every one of their friends, but then they won’t want to consider you their partner. They will make the lines super blurry so that it feels like you’re dating, except they don’t have any type of loyalty to you because you aren’t actually dating. Basically, they can do whatever they want and won’t get in trouble.
They have done a number on your confidence.
You have fallen asleep smiling at your phone because they were texting you the cutest messages. But you have spent just as many nights crying yourself to sleep because they were ignoring your messages. They haven’t been treating you with any sort of consistency and it’s been making you miserable. And you don’t deserve to be put through that. You deserve someone who commits to you and isn’t afraid to talk about how much they love you.