5 Signs Your Guardian Angel Wants You to Know Your Partner is ‘The One’

Many believe that guardian angels play a role in nudging us towards our true soulmates. If you’re wondering whether your current partner is the right person for you, here are five signs that your guardian angel might be trying to assure you that they are.

1. A Profound Sense of Peace and Comfort

One of the most telling signs is an overwhelming sense of peace in the presence of your partner, a feeling akin to ‘coming home.’ You may feel a strong sense of calm (or even sleepiness) when you’re around them—you might notice that you sleep better, stress less, and are able to let your guard down around them. Guardian angels often guide their charges by sending them gut signals or sudden unconscious instincts; when your subconscious suddenly relaxes around your partner, this is a good sign that your guardian is assuring you that your partner is a good fit for you.

2. Recurring Positive Signs or Symbols

Pay attention to recurring symbols or patterns that appear in your life when you are with your partner. This could be anything from repeatedly seeing their name in unexpected places to encountering angel numbers frequently. If you have lucky numbers, songs, or phrases, you may notice these showing up repeatedly, either when you are around your partner or when you are thinking about them. These symbols may also pop up when you are worried about your relationship as a way of sending you reassurance that your guardian is looking out for you. Stay aware of any symbols that have been meaningful to you and your personal life in the past, as well as symbols and signs that could represent you, your partner, or your relationship together—these include objects, animals, numbers, dates, times, and more. To continue receiving these symbols, acknowledge that you appreciate them when they appear. 

3. Synchronicities and Fortuitous Events

Guardian angels often communicate through synchronicities or meaningful coincidences. Meeting your partner might have felt like a series of fortuitous events that aligned perfectly. Perhaps you met under unlikely circumstances or found unexpected connections that brought you together. These synchronicities are often a nudge from your guardian angel that this relationship is part of your divine path. If you noticed a series of specific coincidences that occurred to you and/or your partner in order for you to meet each other, this is a good sign that your guardian angel was pointing you toward them for a reason. 

4. A Feeling of Wholeness and Personal Growth

If being with your partner has led you to grow in ways you never expected, consider this a spiritual nod of approval. A true soulmate not only complements you but also challenges and encourages you to evolve and fulfill your potential. This sense of growth and development is often a sign that your guardian angel is affirming your partnership. Signs of mutual growth are extremely important, because guardian angels can sometimes point you towards certain people in order to receive life lessons or journeys that will come after that person has left your life. If your partner is truly meant for you—and not a temporary figure—then you will both continuously push each other to learn and grow throughout the course of your relationship together. This indicates that your guardian angel believes that your partner is there to stay long-term, as your growth and success occur within the relationship rather than outside of it.

5. Deep Intuitive Knowing

Sometimes, the most profound indicator is a deep-seated, intuitive knowing that your partner is ‘the one.’ This is beyond logical reasoning—it’s a heartfelt certainty that you can’t shake off. Your guardian angel might be communicating this truth to you in the quiet, unspoken depth of your soul, where words are unnecessary. Just as your guardian angel will send you gut feelings, they can also help your intuition pinpoint when there is something special about a person. These feelings can sometimes push you towards someone for just a short period of your life, but your guardian angel will help you to know when you have found ‘the one’ by sending you a strong (and sometimes unconscious) feeling that your partner is the right one for you. If you’ve ever heard stories of couples saying they knew they would marry each other after the first date, coming back to each other after several years apart, or showing unwavering certainty about their relationship, these are often guided occurrences that come from divine intervention.