Keira Burton

5 Toxic Zodiacs Who Always Come Crawling Back After A Breakup

Have you ever had a relationship end, only for your ex to come crawling back to you later?

Whether days, weeks, months, or even years have passed, certain zodiacs are more likely to seek out their exes after a breakup. And they’re not looking for closure; what they really want is a second (or third, or fourth, or fifth…) chance. Here are the five zodiacs who always come back to you after a breakup, and how astrology explains their toxic behavior.


Geminis almost always revisit their exes after a breakup. That’s because this zodiac is ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication and intellect. While Mercury blesses Geminis with special gifts in these areas, it also makes them literally mercurial – their minds and moods change quickly. One day they want to break up, the next they want to take you out on a date like nothing happened. Even if they’re the one to end the relationship, they are sure to change their mind at some point in the future. Then they’ll send you a text or DM, asking how you’ve been and if you’d like to meet up for coffee. But they don’t really want coffee or a friendly catch-up – they want another chance with you. 


Cancer exes always come crawling back because they’re so nostalgic and sentimental. As a water sign, Cancers are sensitive, emotional, and intuitive. This zodiac, perhaps more than any other, has a strong nostalgic side, forming attachments to objects, photos, and people that remind them of the past. Sometime after the relationship ends, they’ll look back and romanticize the good parts and ignore the bad (although they haven’t really forgotten – this star sign can hold a grudge!). They’re also very compassionate and believe in giving second chances, so they expect others to feel the same way. A Cancer ex will try to get you back by reminding you of the good times you shared, or giving you a sentimental gift that shows how well they know you. But they really just miss the comfort of a committed relationship, and they want that feeling back. 


Libra exes will come back to you because they’re so indecisive and would rather reunite with an ex than be single. As the zodiac represented by the scales, Libras are notoriously fickle, weighing the pros and cons of every option before making a decision – and sometimes all this pondering prevents them from making a choice at all. After a breakup, Libras always second-guess the decision. They prefer being in a committed relationship, and since they’re so charming, they have plenty of people who want to date them. But if they can’t find someone they like enough to move on with, they will circle back to their most recent ex. They’ll ask you if you really think the breakup was the right choice, and if you should give the relationship another chance. But they just haven’t found someone new to love yet – and once they do, your relationship will end for good. 


Aquarians always circle back to their exes because they simply can’t commit. It’s amazing that you got them to be in a traditional relationship in the first place, since Aquarians typically avoid labels in love. As the zodiac ruled by Uranus, the planet of individuality and rebellion, Aquarians like to do things their own way. Conventional relationship standards don’t work for them, and they’re perfectly happy being single. Aquarians always go back to their exes, asking if they can be friends. But they don’t really want friendship – they want all the fun parts of a relationship without the commitment.


Pisceans always come crawling back to their exes because they change their minds easily and can be a bit delusional in love. Pisces is a mutable sign, meaning they are adaptable and flexible. It also means they can be indecisive and easily persuaded. They can convince themselves to give their exes another chance if they spend too much time alone. Pisces is also the sign most prone to addiction, and they can certainly develop a dependency on their partners. And, as the zodiac ruled by Neptune, the planet of fantasy and delusion, Pisceans can trick themselves into thinking their past relationship wasn’t so bad. They’ll come back to you by offering to buy you dinner and bringing a meaningful (and probably expensive) gift. They’ll highlight the good parts of the romance and question if you both should give it another shot.