Elina Volkova

5 Zodiac Signs Most Vulnerable To Toxic Relationships

We’ve all been there, or at the very least, we know someone who has: getting stuck in a toxic relationship. Perhaps only you can see the best side of your partner, or the good times are so good that they seemingly outweigh the bad. While any zodiac can fall into a toxic relationship, there are a few signs that seem to find themselves in destructive partnerships time and time again. Here are the zodiac signs most drawn to toxic relationships, and how astrology explains these volatile connections.


Geminis can’t help but get into toxic relationships; they are drawn to them like a moth to a flame. Thanks to the dual personality of the zodiac sign represented by twins, half of them is drawn to their incompatible partner while the other half knows better and tries to stay away. This push-and-pull dynamic creates insecurity and instability that further damages an already unstable romance. Geminis also hate being bored and, consciously or subconsciously, crave (and create) a little drama in their love lives. They fall into a pattern of explosive arguments followed by steamy make-ups. They thrive on the toxicity, whether they realize it or not, so it’s hard to avoid partners who are bad for them. 


Poor, sweet Cancers often find themselves in toxic relationships because they are so loving and giving. Cancer is considered the “mother of the zodiac,” so people belonging to this star sign radiate nurturing energy. They frequently attract partners with childhood wounds who need parenting, or, to put it more bluntly, to grow up. Usually, the relationship starts strong, with lots of mutual respect and admiration. But Cancers want to be in love so badly that they ignore obvious red flags as they pop up. They think that by loving their partner enough, they can change them into the ideal person they believe their partner can be. Once the honeymoon phase is over, the sign of the crab starts turning into a shell of their former self as the relationship becomes more and more complicated and consuming.


Libra is guided by Venus, the planet of love, money, and beauty. This means that Libras crave love and romance, and they feel their best within committed relationships. These social butterflies avoid being single because they are afraid to be alone. Unfortunately, this means they often find themselves sticking with the wrong partners. Also thanks to Venus’ influence, Libras can be a bit superficial, falling for people who are attractive, wealthy, or flashy instead of good partners. Libras are indecisive people-pleasers, so even though they may recognize the relationship has turned toxic, it’s hard for them to pull away. It usually takes getting dumped or finding someone else they are interested in for them to abandon a bad romance. 


Scorpio rules the eighth house of the zodiac, which is the house of merging, sex, intimacy, and shared resources. This means that Scorpios highly value partnerships, especially romantic partnerships. They feel the most fulfilled once they’ve found that special someone to commit to and build a life with. But they are so eager to do so that they often find themselves forcing the wrong relationships, like trying to fit a round peg into a square hole. As a fixed sign, once they commit to something, they stick to it. They will stubbornly cling to a toxic relationship, no matter how bad things get. Scorpios believe staying together through bad times is part of being a loyal partner, even when the bad times never seem to end.  


Pisces is primarily ruled by Neptune, the planet of illusion, delusion, and fantasy, and (to a lesser extent) Jupiter, the planet of luck and optimism. It’s easy to see how these astrological influences lead Pisces people into toxic relationships: Neptune makes them put their partners on a pedestal, ignoring red flags and choosing to believe their delusions about the relationship, while Jupiter gives them blind optimism to believe that things will ultimately work out, no matter how toxic their partner is. Pisces people are also very romantic; they believe in true love and want their partner to be their soulmate. It takes completely and irrevocably shattering the illusion they have built of their partner for Pisces to finally see the reality of their situation and leave a bad romance.