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5 Zodiacs That Are Never On Time

Let’s face it, punctuality comes more naturally (and is more important) to certain zodiac signs than others. Some people arrive at least ten minutes early to everything, whether it’s a job interview or a casual night out with friends, while others are always so late that you wonder if they’ll ever show up at all. Here are the five zodiacs who should plan on giving themselves extra time to get somewhere, and why they are constantly running late.


Geminis are multi-taskers with so much on their plates that they struggle with time management. They have busy social calendars and are always making new plans, from attending a pottery-making class to happy hour with coworkers to weekend getaways with family. They think they can do it all, and for the most part, they can – but they just can’t do it all on time. 

Your Gemini friend may show up twenty minutes after your meeting time because she was coming straight from a dance class, or your Gemini coworker will stroll into the office well past clock-in time because he was out late at a networking event the night before. They might always be tardy, but you can never accuse them of being lazy or boring. 


Cancers value your time and worry about hurting your feelings by being late, but they can never seem to get it together to be punctual. Even when they give themselves plenty of time to prepare, something happens to make them run behind schedule. 

Since they are so sensitive and emotional, Cancers may get overwhelmed by strict time limits. It’s not unusual for them to cancel plans at the last minute, even after spending hours preparing themselves physically and emotionally for an outing. The sign of the crab loves to retreat into their shell – even thinking about going out can be exhausting. Cancers are cozy homebodies who would rather be in bed or on their couch than anywhere else. Although they care about you and their commitments, their subconscious makes them late because the truth is that they are reluctant to go anywhere.


Leo is one of the most confident and outgoing signs of the zodiac. They’re not worried about being judged for being tardy; if anything, they’re concerned they will look “uncool” if they are too early or on time. They want to make an entrance and have all eyes on them, and they are masters of showing up “fashionably late.” 

Leos also take their sweet time getting ready to go anywhere. They have perfected their look and want to make sure everyone stops and stares when they arrive. Whether they’re dyeing their hair a bold neon color or putting together an eye-catching outfit, Leos prioritize their appearance over punctuality.


Libra is ruled by Venus, the planet of art and beauty. Thanks to Venus’ influence, Libras care a great deal about aesthetics and appearances. It’s important for them to look good and they can be a bit perfectionistic when it comes to their style. They are willing to be late if it means their outfit and hairstyle is just right. 

Libras are also notoriously bad at making decisions. As the sign of the scales, they can endlessly weigh the pros and cons of any situation. They struggle with even the most insignificant choices, like which shoes to wear, what gift to bring for the host, whether they should walk or drive, etc. Between their indecisiveness and need to look fabulous, it’s a wonder Libras end up getting anywhere at all.


The only thing a Sagittarius can make it on time for is catching a flight (and even then, they usually cut it very close). This zodiac sign is fiercely independent and refuses to be tied down to any constraints, including time commitments. They are a bit unconventional and run on their own schedule.

If you are close with a Sagittarius, you’ve probably checked in on them a time or two when they’ve been running late. Coming from the sign of the archer, “I’m on my way” means “I’m just now remembering that we had plans and am frantically getting dressed,” and “I’m ten minutes away” means “In ten minutes I’ll start thinking about what I need to do to leave the house.”


Pisces people are so ethereal and otherworldly that they can’t possibly be expected to adhere to earthly norms like time and punctuality. This zodiac sign constantly has their head in the clouds, and they certainly aren’t daydreaming about alarm clocks.

In fact, missing their alarm is often the reason why Pisces people run late. These gentle souls need long hours of rest and frequent naps, so it’s no wonder they often oversleep. Why trade their sweet dreams for the harsh reality of early mornings and strict schedules?