5 Zodiacs That Don’t Believe in Love at First Sight
Capricorn is the most traditional sign on this list. So, it’s obvious why love at first sight makes no sense to them. They define love as something that develops over time. They’re practical, pragmatic, and realistic. So, it wouldn’t be a shock if they perceived that immediate rush of emotions as mere infatuation. These signs love a slow burn in romance. Capricorns like to take their time when it comes to matters of the heart, for they want to be positive they’ve chosen their person correctly.
Though true love cannot be bound by logic, Virgos always find a way to sneak rationalizing into their relationships. Like Capricorns, they agree that loving someone based on sight alone is odd. They like to take their time when getting to know someone, especially if they feel good about them. They define love as teamwork, believing that only through service and sacrifice can you truly know you’ve found the one.
On top of not caring about looks, Aquarius is arguably the most logical air sign out of the three. So, falling in love with someone’s appearance has never made sense to them. These signs define love as a connection so strong that it can feel like a friendship set on fire. They don’t get how you can feel that from looks alone.
What is the hopeless romantic of the zodiac doing on this list? It’s because of their romantic nature that love at first sight doesn’t cut it in their books. Like the rest on this list, Leo defines love as something determined by more than looks. They find love through grand gestures and stories for all the world to see and admire.
Geminis are driven by their intellect. If you told a Gemini that you fell for them based on their looks, they’d ask you to explain how that’s possible. Curious by nature, this air sign has never understood how someone could fall head over heels for another’s appearance. They define love as a connection between two people who are mentally stimulated by one another.