5 zodiacs who have been feeling like they can’t do anything right lately
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5 Zodiacs Who Have Been Feeling Like They Can’t Do Anything Right Lately

Your self-confidence isn’t always going to be high, no matter how much you work on loving yourself. There are always going to be days when you aren’t sure about yourself, when your doubts push aside all your other thoughts — and that’s okay as long as you remember everything is going to be okay and you are going to bounce back. Here are some zodiacs who have been feeling like they can’t do anything right lately:


Taurus, when you’re feeling good about yourself, nothing can bring you down — but then there are days like the ones you’ve been having lately, where you lose all confidence in yourself. Where you’re wondering whether you’re ever going to get the things you’ve been dreaming about and whether you even deserve those things. But of course you do. Remember, even though you’re feeling low right now, it doesn’t mean this rut is going to last forever. You’re going to break out of it eventually. You’re going to feel okay again soon.


Libra, you’re not typically one to give up on yourself, but you’ve been struggling lately because nothing ever seems to go your way. Even though you’ve been trying to stay optimistic, it’s hard when it feels like the world is against you. Like you can’t do anything right and keep ending up making mistake after mistake. But you need to remember, mistakes are important tools that can propel you in the right direction. And it’s not like you’re alone. Everyone else is making mistakes too. They just aren’t being truthful about it. No matter how embarrassed or frustrated you feel, you will get through this. You have what it takes.


Virgo, since you care so deeply, you feel like everything that goes wrong is your fault — but it’s not all on you. You aren’t responsible for holding the world together. You can’t expect to take on everything and come out okay. You’re not superhuman, so you need to be careful about how much you put on your plate at once. Focus on finding balance because if you worry about too many things at once, you won’t give any of them the attention that they deserve. It’s much better to focus on quality than quantity. And remember to take breaks when you need them so you don’t end up overwhelming yourself.


Sagittarius, no one is judging you as harshly as you’ve been judging yourself. Even though you might feel like you can’t do anything right lately, the people who love you are proud of how hard you’re working, how much you’re accomplishing, how much kindness you’ve been spreading. They would never agree with the harsh things you have to say about yourself. Remember, you’re your own harshest critic. You need to start treating yourself more gently because there’s no benefit to punishing yourself.


Pisces, lately you’ve been feeling like you can’t do anything right — but is that you talking or someone around you? Remember, when you spend time around the wrong people, you’re going to start doubting yourself. You’re going to start questioning your value. This doesn’t mean the people in your circle are actively bringing you down. Maybe they simply aren’t hyping you up. Maybe you need more people around you who will cheer you up when you’re down and remind you of how wonderful you are, how much you can and will accomplish.