5 Zodiacs Who Have Been Stressing This November
Thought Catalog Agency

5 Zodiacs Who Have Been Stressing This November

Some zodiacs are excited to get the holiday season started. They’re already in a cheerful mood and are ready to celebrate. But other signs have been under some serious stress. They are already tired and the month has just begun. Here are a few zodiacs who have been stressing this November:


Maybe it’s because the end of the year is growing closer or maybe it’s because a few problems have been popping up here and there – but you’ve been stressing more than usual lately. You’ve been having trouble allowing yourself to relax because you always feel like there’s something else that needs your attention, something that you should be getting done. Even though your stress is valid, you need to remind yourself that you can’t accomplish a thousand things in one day. You can’t put that much pressure on yourself. You need to accept that some things are out of your control.


This November, you were hoping to take things slow, but the universe didn’t get the memo. Whenever you feel like everything is getting better, things get worse again. You’ve been stressing because you’ve barely had a moment to yourself. You’ve barely had any time to do the fun things that usually keep you sane. Although things might stay hectic for a while, you have to try your best to set aside some relaxation time. Don’t feel guilty about ignoring others to focus on yourself for a while. It’s for the sake of your mental health. It’s what you need to do in order to summon the strength to get through these stressful times.


You try your best to see the bright side in every situation – and honestly, it’s exhausting. You are tired of being the strong one. Tired of being the one who cheers everyone around you up when they’re feeling down. Sometimes, you want to wallow in your misery and stress. Sometimes, you want other people to take care of you for a change. Even though the kindness you spread is inspirational, you need to remember that it’s not your responsibility to take care of everyone else. It’s not your job to make sure that they’re okay. It’s your job to make sure that you are okay.


You feel like you’re unstoppable. Like nothing can slow you down. Which is why you hesitate to admit when you’re under stress. You don’t want to admit that you’re struggling. You want to pretend that everything is perfectly fine. But that’s not the healthiest course of action. If you are stressed, say the words. Admitting it is the first step toward solving the problem. And this is a problem. You’re not supposed to be feeling this low all the time. You deserve to relax. You deserve to feel comfortable.


As much as you love to go with the flow and have fun, you can’t always live in the moment. Not when there are problems to solve and bills to pay. You haven’t been your usual self lately because you have a lot going on – and that’s okay. You don’t have to be the class clown all the time. That fun, carefree version of yourself is authentic. But so is this version. People are multifaceted. They have more than one side.