5 Zodiacs Who Love To Be The Center Of Attention At Parties
istockphoto / svetikd

5 Zodiacs Who Love Being The Center Of Attention At Parties

Some zodiacs want to blend into the background. At parties, they will hover in the corner and stare at their phones to avoid talking to anyone. But other signs want all eyes on them. They’re the first to jump on the dance floor, to take the stage for karaoke, or to start a group drinking game. Here are the zodiacs who love to be the center of attention at parties:


Aries, you have a hard time letting other people be the center of attention because you want all eyes on you. That’s part of why you’re so bold. Because you want to stand out from the crowd. Because you want to be remembered. Since you are such a spontaneous sign, you aren’t afraid to take control of conversations or lead the party in fun games. Whether you’re the host or a guest, you aren’t going to sit there quietly. You’re going to create memories that everyone will remember for a lifetime. You’re going to make your mark in some way or another.


Gemini, you are a social butterfly, so you’re always making the rounds at parties. You’re mingling with everyone, whether you knew them before or not, and you’re making a ton of new friends. You love being the center of attention at parties because you’re a natural entertainer. You have so many stories to tell. You have so much joy to share. You love making people laugh, so you aren’t comfortable keeping quiet or blending into the background. You want to be seen. You want to be heard. Everyone is going to know when you walk into the party because you have such a massive presence. 


Leo, you’re a natural leader, so you love taking control at parties. If no one is dancing, you’ll get up and start dancing. If no one is talking, you’ll be the first one to tell a funny story. You aren’t afraid to put yourself out there because you’re bold. You have the type of confidence that everyone else wishes they had. You love being the center of attention at parties because you aren’t embarrassed to have people looking at you. You aren’t ashamed of who you are. You want the world to see you. You want the world to admire you. Parties are where you thrive because the more people who are around to give you attention, the better.


Libra, even though you can come across as shy, you secretly love being the center of attention. You’re a people person, so you want to talk to as many friendly faces as possible. You want to be involved in every conversation and become everyone’s best friend. You aren’t going to be anti-social at parties because you enjoy putting yourself out there. You enjoy meeting new people and gaining new admirers.


Sagittarius, your sense of humor can’t be beat. You’re able to make anyone laugh, even if you’ve only just met them, because you are hilarious at heart. You love being the center of attention at parties, because that usually means that everyone is engrossed in a story that you’re telling and that they’re laughing about how funny you are. You’re the class clown wherever you go. You’re the one who gets the party started.