5 Zodiacs Who Usually Have Short Friendships
1. Gemini
Geminis love making friends. But sometimes, they make so much that they can’t keep up. That’s why they’re likely to have short-lived friendships. You might’ve clicked instantly when you met, but they might not be free for Sunday brunch all the time, or weekly phone calls. They live a very social life and their friendships require a lot of space and freedom.
2. Aries
Aries can have a huge group of friends. But it’s likely they’re close with only a small few. They need to feel reciprocated in a friendship. They need a connection with substance, and they know that’s hard to come by. Most of their connections last for a short time, up until they find someone who’s worth all of their effort.
3. Sagittarius
Like Gemini, Sagittarius can’t always be there when you want them. They’re great to be around, but they might not always answer when you call. They live on-the-go and it can be hard for them to stick to a routine. You could swear you’d be great friends, but they need as much autonomy as possible for that to happen. If not, they don’t mind being an acquaintance.
4. Pisces
It’s not that Pisces is ignoring you or disappeared on purpose, they tend to live in their world and forget to include others in it. They may have a best friend or two, but they’re known to keep a small circle. Though they’re loved by many and admired from afar, most of their budding connections tend to fizzle out. They need space and understanding from a friend. And if not, they’re someone to keep at a distance.
5. Virgo
Like Pisces, Virgo isn’t the type to want so many friends. They surely have a few best friends, but their budding connections also don’t last too long. They need to fully trust you for them to let you in. And they can’t do that in a matter of months. As with everything else in their life, they take their time with friendships. And it’s too bad that several don’t cut.