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5 Zodiacs Who Won’t Date You If You’re Friends First


Often, Leos can have difficulty considering one of their friends to date. They like the finer things in life and have a knack for gravitating towards suitors with status. Sure, they may respond well to a longtime friend’s confession, but they may also want to hear out another’s interest simultaneously.


It’s not that Aries haven’t found themselves attracted to one of their friends; it’s the fact that they’re impatient and are the least willing to play any long game. They’re not a fan of waiting for someone else to reciprocate their feelings or getting to know them at a slower pace. They’d love to pursue their friend romantically if the process didn’t take so long.


Sagittarius has places to go and people to see—all the time. So, even if they start to develop a crush on one of their friends, that feeling might not last very long. Though they take their time to settle down, it doesn’t necessarily mean they’d want to opt for slower-paced connections. They value their friendships and aren’t ones to ever jeopardize them either. They know what’s at stake if they pursue it romantically and might not want to do that.


Though Taurus love a natural connection more than anything, they can also be stubborn, especially with their relationships. If they solely see you as a friend, good luck convincing them you’re more than that. Even if they slowly start to feel something, it’ll still take time to come to terms with it.  


Scorpios feel deeply at all times. Though they don’t mind playing the long game, their emotions can speed up the process. Even if they were to wait around for a friend who might eventually feel the same, traditional ways of dating may be their best bet due to their possessive and jealous nature.