5 Zodiacs Whose Souls Rise With The Morning Sun

Some of us are night owls… and some of us are early birds. Are you the type of person who comes alive when the moon comes out, or do your energy levels rise with the morning sun? Certain zodiacs are more likely than others to have daytime energy. They feel accomplished rather than bitter when they wake up early, and they are most productive in the morning hours. Here’s which star signs are creatures of the light, and how astrology explains their early bird tendencies. 


Aries is the very first sign of the zodiac, which makes sense because Aries people are highly competitive and have to come first at everything they do. Oh, you’re waking up at 5:00 am to get an earlier start on your day? Well, they’re setting their alarm for 4:30 so they can hit the gym before doing the rest of their morning routine. Aries people also have tons of energy, so they’re not going to let a little thing like sleep get in the way of accomplishing their goals or doing whatever else they want to do. There’s more room for fun when they can get their duties out of the way early, so they’ll happily sacrifice sleep if it means more free time. 


Gemini is the rare zodiac sign that can be both an early bird and a night owl. They have so much energy and so many varied interests that there’s just not enough hours in the day for everything they want to do. They’ll get up early in order to squeeze in as many activities as possible, even when they don’t feel like it. When their friend wants to get together before work to chat over coffee at 6:00 am, they’re there. If their favorite workout class is offered in the morning, they’ll set their alarm a little earlier so they can go. Although they cherish their sleep, they value everything the daylight has to offer even more. 


Leo’s guiding celestial body is the sun, so it makes sense that this zodiac has such a strong spiritual connection to the morning light. Their spirits rise quite literally with the sun, and they feel so much better when everything is bathed in the warm, golden glow of daylight. Leos are bright and energetic, so they love having plenty of time to spend outdoors, even if it requires getting up early. They don’t feel like themselves when they spend too much time inside or in the dark. As eternal optimists, they are unlikely to complain about having to set their alarms early for anything – they are just happy to be involved and have something to wake up for. 


As an earth sign, Virgos are naturally stable, steady, and reliable. Virgo also rules the sixth house of the zodiac, which is the house of health, habits, and systems. This astrological combination tells us that Virgos thrive on routine and structure, so they are happy to wake up early as part of their daily regimen. They can also make a graveyard shift work, but they are very traditional and prefer to keep a regular 9-5 schedule. Virgos are also very focused on their fitness, so they’re the ones waking up early to make a protein shake and hit the gym while everyone else slumbers. 


Capricorn is probably the most ambitious sign of the entire zodiac. They believe that waking up early gives them the advantage of adding hours to their day, which is just more time to devote to their goals. They know that the early bird gets the worm, and they’ll do whatever it takes to give themselves a competitive edge. Capricorns are extremely disciplined, so they’re not the type to hit the snooze button a million times before waking up. They start the day early and usually end it late, making the most of their awake time to climb the corporate ladder and move up in the world.