5 Zodiacs With Low Standards In Their Twenties (And High Standards In Their Thirties)
Twenty20 / dashapats

5 Zodiacs With Low Standards In Their Twenties (And High Standards In Their Thirties)

Your standards aren’t always going to stay the same. You might lower them or raise them based on your last relationship or on how confident you’re feeling in yourself. For some people, their standards will only grow higher over time. They will demand more and more as they age and start recognizing their worth. Here are the zodiacs who tend to have low standards in their twenties and high standards in their thirties:


When you were younger, your standards were way lower than they ever should have been. You accepted breadcrumbs from potential partners because you were happy they were paying attention to you at all. You thought getting something, anything, was better than receiving nothing. But now, you know better. You aren’t going to let anyone get away with the bare minimum. You are going to demand more because you deserve more. And if they can’t live up to your expectations, that’s not your fault. You aren’t going to blame yourself the way you used to. It’s all on them.


When you were younger, you didn’t realize how much you deserved. You didn’t expect much from others because you didn’t think highly of yourself. You didn’t think you deserved their best treatment. But as time has gone on, you have grown more and more comfortable with yourself. You have started seeing your own value. You now know how much you bring to the table, how lucky someone would be to have you, so you are going to keep your standards high. You aren’t going to settle for less than you deserve. Others are either going to treat you with respect – or they are going to get shown the door.


When you were younger, you put so much work into making your partners happy. But you never stopped to consider whether they were making you happy. Now, you realize that relationships are a two-way street. If they aren’t giving you enough, then they shouldn’t be getting so much from you. You are only interested in balanced, loving relationships moving forward. You aren’t going to let anyone fool you into getting away with less.


When you were younger, your standards were low because you didn’t want to be too harsh on your partners. You didn’t want to demand too much from them. You thought it would be unfair to place such high expectations on them. But now, you realize that giving them so much leeway wasn’t fair to you. You now realize that your feelings matter too. You shouldn’t be left feeling neglected by your partner. You should only feel loved. You should feel like they care about you enough to do right by you. Anything less isn’t good enough for you. Not anymore.


When you were younger, you felt bad about enforcing boundaries. You didn’t want to come across as mean. You wanted everyone to like you, so you let them walk all over you. But now, you are much more outspoken about what you want. You realize there’s nothing wrong with speaking your mind. After all, you can’t make everyone like you, so there’s no reason to try. Either they will rise to your standards or they will refuse. Either they will earn a place in your life or they will not. It’s as simple as that.