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6 Journal Prompts To Uncover The Magic Of Sagittarius Season

Sagittarius season commences on November 22, and with it brings an energy of adventure and self-discovery. Here are six journal prompts to dive into to help you manifest, explore your mindset and expand your vision.

Tap into Your Inner Archer

Start by envisioning yourself as the ultimate archer (the symbol of Sagittarius), ready to aim your arrow at the target of your dreams. What goals are you setting for yourself during this season? Write down the big, expansive dreams that light your fire. Let Sagittarius’ fearless energy guide you as you aim for the stars.

Adventure Awaits

Sagittarius is all about exploration and adventure. Journal about the experiences you crave—whether it’s a solo backpacking trip, trying a new hobby, or diving into a new field of study. Embrace the unknown and let your curiosity lead the way. What adventures will you embark on to expand your horizons?

Align with Abundance

The Archer is associated with abundance and prosperity. Reflect on your relationship with abundance—both material and spiritual. What does wealth mean to you beyond dollars and cents? How can you invite more abundance into your life, be it in relationships, career, or personal growth?

Sagittarius Self-Discovery

Dive deep into your own beliefs and philosophies. What are your core values? Sagittarius loves to explore different perspectives, so be open to questioning and evolving your beliefs. How can you align your actions with your true self, embracing authenticity and freedom?

Celestial Connections

Connect with the cosmos by exploring your birth chart. What does your Sagittarius placement reveal about your inner archer? How can you harness the cosmic energies to amplify your manifestations? Whether you’re a seasoned astrologer or a total newbie, this exercise will add an extra layer of cosmic magic to your journey.

Manifestation Magic

Sagittarius season is prime time for manifestation. Write down your boldest desires, visualize them coming to life, and believe in the magic of your own power. What steps can you take to turn your dreams into reality? Trust in the process, and let the Universe work its wonders.