6 Zodiacs Who Will Start A New Life Chapter During This Week’s Supermoon
The Full Moon in Aquarius on August 1st, 2023, will close the chapter to the Saturn in Aquarius transit that ended earlier this year. For Fixed signs and Air signs, this transit can feel intense and like a fresh start. Having Venus opposing the Moon can also help us all feel more connected to the people we love and care about. See how this transit will impact your rising, sun, and moon signs.
This is an opportunity to initiate a new beginning and give yourself the love and patience you deserve. With this transit, you will feel more appreciative and prepared to step into your power and forgive those in your past. With this transit, you could even fall more in love with the prospect of romance. You could meet new people during this transit and may even feel an intense connection that you have not experienced before. While Saturn in Aquarius may have complicated your relationships, you now have the opportunity to truly focus on what you want and what brings you happiness. Even if you do not commit to anyone, you are open to romance and rediscovering love. If you are in a relationship, you may have a new appreciation for your partner and will find a way to strengthen your bond with them after this transit.
Understanding your motivations and ambitions will be essential at this time as you focus on what brings you joy and happiness. You have more passion for your career and will do what it takes to get to where you want to be. Your relationships with others now become more profound and the confidence in yourself begins to grow as people begin to recognize you and your talent. This period will also inspire you to beautify your surroundings and bring more harmony to the home. You will experience a lot of creative energy and you are ready to channel it. If you have not felt any motivation, this Full Moon will spark new ideas and will help you to complete them for the next several months.
Magic and power are tied to this transit ,so you may feel very much in your element. For you, it is a period of making discoveries and learning. You could fall in love with acquiring more knowledge about things that are interesting to you. You could become more passionate about your major or your career. It is a time of personal growth and development through education since you may become more concerned with your future. Meeting new people is also possible during this transit. You are more comfortable surrounding yourself with like-minded people that push you and inspire your ambitious side. As a sign ruled by Mercury, you will be very appreciative of all you get to accomplish now. This transit will bring back the lessons from Saturn in Aquarius transit. You may have felt limited then in your self-expression, but now you are more focused, determined, and empowered to express yourself.
Partnerships will be the focus now, and Mercury retrograde will highlight them even more. Venus in your sign reminds you of how important it is to love and care for yourself, especially in a relationship. You may tend to wear your heart on your sleeve, while others may not appreciate the love you give them. Nevertheless, this transit is a reminder to continue to praise and honor yourself. Find a partner that reciprocates the love you give to them. The past is something we cannot change, but how you view yourself in the present can help you a lot more. With this Full Moon in Aquarius, the themes from Saturn in Aquarius transit repeat themselves. If you had failed to be more independent, you may be on track to do so now. Venus is your shield and the Full Moon will carry the lessons you need to implement self-love and balance moving forward.
Because your ruler is retrograde, this transit will carry much weight for you. Here you will understand more about your independent nature and to not become too codependent in love. The Full Moon in Aquarius will echo the Saturn in Aquarius transit, allowing you to close the chapters from several years back and initiate a new cycle. Do not limit yourself. Make sure to focus on your successes when you are in love, and remember to consider your needs as well. Venus in Leo reflects how much we love and care for ourselves. The Full Moon highlights those lessons brought back to you if you did not implement them during the Jupiter in Aries transit. Your relationship energy is transforming with the nodes in your sign, so it is time for you to step things up and care for yourself more.
Plenty of soul searching is tied to this transit, but you feel more empowered to navigate these waters. The Moon and Venus will be opposing, giving you the emotional advantage to heal and move on. This transit puts you in center stage, and others may be much more drawn to you. Venus helps you with your career and the Full Moon will highlight where you need to bring balance into your life. Now that the Nodes have moved out of your sign, you feel more freedom to take risks and focus on your goals. During this period, you could think about your next steps, as you feel determined to cultivate your objectives. It is a time when your ambitions soar and you feel unstoppable. Even love seems much more alluring, and your heart is open to these new romantic experiences since you are no longer chained to the past.