7 Concrete Signs Your Person Is Emotionally Mature
Brandon Woelfel

7 Concrete Signs Your Person Is Emotionally Mature

It’s important to date someone mature, especially as you grow older and stop having patience for mind games. After all, in order to make a committed relationship last, you both need to be willing to put in the emotional effort. Here are some concrete signs your person is emotionally mature enough for a serious relationship:

They are transparent about their messiest feelings.

They never leave you in the dark about how they’re feeling for long. Even when it’s awkward or uncomfortable to bring up certain thoughts to you, they do it anyway because they believe you deserve to know how they’re feeling. They want to keep you informed so your imagination doesn’t run wild, so misunderstandings never occur and snowball into massive problems. Although it might take them some time to open up to you, they always do in the end.

They are always willing to come to compromises with you.

They don’t insist on having everything their way because they understand that relationships are a two-way street. They value your opinion and want you to experience happiness too, which is why they always want to hear your side. They always take your thoughts into consideration and try to come to a conclusion that works for you both.

They respect all your boundaries without any pushback.

Instead of guilt tripping you or pressuring you into changing your mind, they accept the boundaries that you’ve set out for them. They would never want to make you feel uncomfortable, so no means no the first time they hear it. They are also honest about their own boundaries and clearly explain what they are and are not comfortable with within the relationship.

They actively listen to your complaints and hear you out.

Whenever you’re upset with them, they don’t immediately jump to the defensive or accuse you of being overemotional. They don’t try to turn the situation around to make you the bad guy either. They hear what you have to say and respond without raising their voice or namecalling. You can have a real discussion with them, no matter what emotions you’re both going through.

They take responsibility for their actions.

When they mess up, they don’t fling the blame elsewhere. They accept that they made a mistake, give you a genuine apology, and try their hardest to make up for it in the future. The promises they make you aren’t empty. They are actively putting in effort to improve their behavior so the relationship only grows stronger over time.

They accept that they don’t have all the answers.

They aren’t going to pretend to know more than they actually do. They are comfortable saying I don’t know when they are feeling lost and they are comfortable asking for help. Even more importantly, they aren’t threatened when you know more or are more successful. They are happy for you, proud of you, and always encouraging you to shine your brightest.

They are dedicated to self-growth.

They want to be the best possible partner because they believe you deserve the world. They don’t want you to settle for the bare minimum. They don’t want you to feel unsatisfied, like you’re missing out on anything. They try their hardest to improve every single day, for you and for themselves.