7 Zodiac Signs That Make The Best Grandparents
Grandparents are kind of like your parents, but without so many rules and hardly any punishment. Plus, the food is usually better. Compared to your parents, the whole deal is pretty “grand” indeed.
They are less judgmental than your parents mainly because they don’t have to deal with your nonsense all the time. They also are less likely to be busy than your parents are, so they have more free time, which makes them a little more chill to where they might let you get away with a little more than your parents do—a little more sugar, a little more TV before you absolutely have to go to bed, maybe even a little more loud music before they tell you to turn that racket down.
Here are the seven zodiac signs that make the best grandparents. This isn’t to say that the other five signs who didn’t make the cut are awful grandparents. They can be fantastic grandparents—but they’re just not as fantastic as these seven signs.
1. Cancer
Being ruled by the moon makes Cancer the most maternal and home-oriented sign in the zodiac, so a trip to a Cancer grandparent’s house is like a mini-vacation to Disneyworld. Their house always smells so good, too—almost like pumpkin pie and turkey have been baking 24/7 for decades. They will greet you with a big hug at the front door, tease you for getting “too skinny,” and then bombard you with enough lovingly prepared food to put anyone in a sugar coma—the last thing you remember before falling asleep in front of Grandpa’s fireplace was eating cinnamon pancakes, peanut butter fudge, and strawberry parfait. And that was right after the baked chicken that falls right off the bones. And you don’t know if it was Grandpa or Grandpa, but it was nice of them to put those cozy slippers on your feet as you slept.
2. Libra
If you get lucky enough to have a Libra as a grandparent, you can go to bed at night safe in the knowledge that the Scales will always tilt in your favor and they will never judge you. They might give you a piece of their mind if they think you’re messing up, but they won’t tell you in a harsh or off-putting way. They will never lie to you and will always give you good advice. It’s actually more like having a minister or a therapist than having a grandparent. You can come to them with personal problems you’d be afraid to tell your mom or dad. They are your super-secret special confidant.
3. Pisces
Oh boy, make way for the dreaded scourge of the Internet—the Social Media Grandparent! They finally figured out how to use their smartphone, so now all they do, all day and all of the night, is plaster their feeds with pictures and stories about YOU. They are so publicly proud of you, it’s both flattering and embarrassing. They send you all the sort of corny-ass memes that only grandparents would think are cute—seriously, every Grandparent Meme ever created. They are always the one to send you the first text on your birthday. They constantly send you short videos of puppies and kittens. And despite the fact that their excessive emoji use is unforgivable, you feel warm inside to know that they’re your biggest cheerleader.
4. Aries
Aries tend to be a little more egocentric than other signs, and since you are the literal incarnation of your grandparents, you represent their living quest for immortality—so of course they’re going to take care of you. In you they see themselves, but in the future. To see their grandchildren happy, healthy, and prosperous is the meaning of success to them. They feel your pain and your joy—probably more deeply than you do. They carry themselves with poise and never seem to embarrass you like your parents do. And no matter how old they get, they’re never crabby or negative. You respect that, because if you were their age and in their shape, you’d be completely miserable.
5. Gemini
Since they spent the first half of adulthood working overtime to ensure your parent had all their material needs, your Gemini grandparent has a lingering sense of guilt that they didn’t shower your mom or dad with love—so guess which lucky person can expect to be love-bombed and treated like an adorable little infant until you have infants of your own? The eager Gemini grandparent is goofy, fun-loving, and still a kid at heart. But they’re never the cringe grandparent who embarrasses everyone, including themselves, trying to be young. Since they are beyond grateful that they have a descendant that they can pamper and spoil, you can brace yourself for all the cute little songs and gifts and nicknames and surprises.
6. Scorpio
You’ll be stunned by how much enduring love can radiate from this otherwise “dark” and “mysterious” sign. A Scorpio grandparent will be your personal bodyguard and legal advocate. They will be your fiercest protector. Just like they treated their kids, they want to give their grandkids all the love and breaks they feel they missed out on when they were children. They will get you into the best schools. Introduce you to the best doctors. And throughout your life, they will warn you about friends (and lovers) they sense will be bad for you. They have your back. You know it. All you ever need to do is ask.
7. Sagittarius
As the most curious and adventurous sign of the zodiac, your Sagittarius grandparent will be your lifelong teacher and tour guide. Visiting them is always like a field trip where you learn something new—maybe about the plants and wildlife out back of their house, or something really cool about the antique woodwork in the basement. Later in life it will suddenly occur to you that more than half of the things you learned—and remembered—came from your Sagittarius grandparent, because they always made learning so fun and exciting. And they always give you the sense that not only do they love you—they really, really like you and are always happy to see you and spend time with you.